Monday, December 08, 2014

The Click Threshold And Sliced Salami

My phone seems to have got clogged up with stuff and I have been trying to unclog it by transferring and/or deleting photographs from its memory. Smart phones do seem to "capture the moment" far better than a bag-full of smart cameras - the "click threshold" is that little bit higher. The photo dates back to our trip to Valencia earlier this year. We were on a walk to find a bar and I didn't have the bag-full of smart cameras with me, so out came the phone. Easy: as easy as slicing salami.


  1. Replies
    1. Never tasted that one - is it nice?

    2. It's all right but s little rich for my taste. When I say rich , what I mean is .... Ah never mind

    3. Could you be a bit more illuminating when you say 'taste'?

  2. A fun shot. There is a saying, "the best camera is the one you have with you."

  3. Yes, smart phones are great for capturing those embarrassing little moments. Pity they're such useless telephones.

  4. I would have whipped out my phone, too.

  5. I still have a stupid phone.

  6. There was a guy here in Iowa that took a photo of an old tree out in the natural area. He used the smart phone and took 365 photos which all ended up in a great book. Its quality of shots were very good.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...