Sunday, December 07, 2014

Ceramic Scrabble At The Wes

We went to a cricket club coffee morning yesterday at the Wesley Centre which is behind the Almondbury Methodist Church, near Huddersfield. The Wesley Centre is a rather splendid Victorian Church Hall and the entrance is decorated with what must be original Victorian tiles.

After trying to spell some kind of uplifting message with the random letters, I then thought they might be some kind of decorative alphabet set - a Victorian ceramic primer. I also toyed with the idea that they might be an early Scrabble set and, for a time, I experimented with what words I could spell with them (most of them were, I have to say, quite unsuitable for a Methodist Church!) I eventually decided that they must be the initials of the prominent local citizens who had generously contributed towards the funding of the church hall. Whatever the purpose, they were stunningly beautiful.


  1. Most unusual. You're probably right. Easy to take such small gems for granted so I'm glad you've 'captured' them.

  2. Nice find, Alan! I suspect you're right about what they are.

  3. Beautiful. But a shame there isn't a label or plaque to explain.
    I expect it's another instance of not bothering to put up an explanation because "of course" everyone will remember.
    Which sadly people don't.

  4. Interesting, I was trying to make names with the letters!

  5. Well guess what! One of those tiles has all three of my initials! Since I am actually very fond of the 'old' Methodist Church, (especially the hymn book), I'm quite honored. But I am filled with curiosity as to what they actually do signify.


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