Thursday, December 18, 2014

Greta Garbo And Her Dream Of Beef Jerky

At long last, Amy has agreed to her picture being featured on the Blog. Over the last few weeks, several people have asked to see an up-to-date photograph of my constant companion, but she has developed the photographic reluctance of an ageing film star and a Garboesque desire to be left alone to sleep and eat her chicken dinner. However, with the help of a boiled sausage, I managed to tempt her out of her self-imposed isolation the other day for this Christmas Portrait. She is pictured in her favourite spot : lying on the half landing of the stairs, blending into the carpet in order to create the maximum trip-hazard to any passing pensioner. 

If you detect a slight accusatory look in her face, it results from the fact that I have been a little distracted on our walks these last few days. I have an idea for the blog in 2015, an idea I am trying to work through in my own mind before I make any lasting changes. Even if I go ahead with it, you may not notice any changes in the immediate future, but in my old, ridiculous mind I think I have re-invented the wheel. As far as Amy is concerned, she simply hopes I will reinvent the meal - with extra chicken, unhealthy bacon and a bit of beef jerky for afters.


  1. Mmmmmm! Bacon-wrapped chicken is a treat even I could get excited about. Amy is one lucky pup.

  2. I suspect she also knows she is quite photogenic.

  3. "I am ready for my close-up, Mr. Burnett."

  4. What a shaggy darling, and you've captured her pensive (who me, love bacon?) look very well indeed.

  5. I love her sweet baby-face!

  6. I have a cat and I do love cats -- but oh how I love dogs! Yours looks like a charmer, just a bundle of snuggles. Merry Christmas, Alan.

  7. Is that where you got the idea for Sepia Saturday 261?

  8. She has the face that you can not refuse. Our little dog gets ham wrapped around his heart med pill. I know he would like a plate full of it. It is bad though that the border collie can just look at me and I know what he wants. Outdoors, dog biscuits and fill my bowl now.

  9. A lovely shot of the recluse. Is that a moustache growing out of the top of her nose? Does it get in the way when eating her chicken dinner?

  10. Every dog shall have its day, and every day should have a dog.

  11. Ah sweet Amy, she posed so nice for you ! She should get extra treats now:)

  12. Lovely to see Amy! Merry Christmas to you all :)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...