Thursday, January 01, 2015

Illogical Positivism

It was all going to be logical, so structured, so planned. A new year, a new structured and planned blog complete with monthly collections of material from News From Nowhere and Alan Burnett's Picture Post, plus added bits for extra flavour. It was just a matter of getting Christmas over and then applying the logic to the structure. And then .... Isobel was taken back into hospital on Monday and my structure crumbled in front of my eyes and my logic dissolved like an apothecary's tincture. This is no time to be planning blogs.

But it is a time to remain positive. It looks as though the problems - which were a known complication of the major surgery she had last September - may be in the process of resolving themselves without the need of new surgical interventions. However, for the first time in 48 years I spent New Years' Eve apart from Isobel, and the last few days have been an endless procession of hospital visits and anxious phone calls.

Perhaps I can put one of my new plans into action. My diary this year will be a series of daily images - a far better aide-memoire than any collection of words. I won't bore you with my daily photos often, but I will share the one for Tuesday 1st January 2015. Of all the scenes that I anticipated might sum up the first day of this new year, this was never one of them.


  1. Oh, no! I sincerely hope that Isobel is feeling much better today and gets to go home soon. Sending you prayers and hope that this new year turns out to be a good one for you guys.

    Kathy M.

  2. So sorry to hear this, Alan. I do hope Isobel recovers quickly and is able to come home. Give her my love. A photo a day is a good way of keeping a journal, but hope you soon find more enjoyable subjects!

  3. Hoping all is well with you and Isobel!

  4. Trust she will soon be back home with you. Chin up!

  5. Trust she will soon be back home with you. Chin up!

  6. So sorry to hear this, Alan! Fingers crossed that the problem is resolved soon.

  7. Oh, it's obvious I should check in more often! I hope Isobel is feeling much better now and that the coming new year holds happiness and good health for both of you. And Amy too.

  8. Alan, Please give my best wishes to your Isobel. I hope her health problems are resolved and you can bring her home soon. Thinking good thoughts and sending prayers your way:)

  9. So sorry to hear this, and praying Isoble will be good as new soon and back home before you know it.

  10. Oh Alan, I'm so sorry you are going through such a trying time. A very lonely and worrying New Year's Eve
    for you. I don't know if you pray. I know a lot of people don't pray but I do and I will be praying for her -- and you-- for the next week or so. I will keep checking back to see how she is and to read your blogs.

  11. So sorry to hear this, hope Isobel is soon well and back at home.

  12. You have my good thoughts and prayers for you both that this situation does indeed resolve without the need for further surgery. I hope the New Year brings better for both of you.

  13. hope your wife will be back home soon. I like the idea of daily photos. That one reminds me of a Mondrian painting.

  14. Yes to optimism, and let the logic go. Just be. And may that being be full of health and joy for you and your wife!

  15. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. and the photo encapsulates it all beautifully.

  16. All the best to both of you, the sufferer and the worrier. That's a good picture to put behind you.

  17. So very sorry to hear about Isobel. I do hope she recovers quickly and is soon back at home with you soon. Take care Alan.

  18. That is not a nice way to start the year. Never mind blog plans look after Isobel and I wish her the best for a quick recovery.

  19. Hoping for a rapid recovery for Isobel and a wonderful belated New Years celebration.

  20. I can only add my best wishes to you both for a speedy return to normal.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams