Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Mission To Snap The Designer Brandy

What a strange world we live in where consumer purchases are driven by designer labels (and as an owner of an iMac, an iPad, and an iEverything-else, I should know). What odd behaviour it is to buy a product due to the packaging rather than the content. I am, however, a proud citizen of such a strange world and as such I happened to come across a bag of Wright's Famous Brandy Snap yesterday.

I slipped it in my shopping trolley and when I received one of those looks from the GLW - the kind that compress the eloquent phrase "I thought you were supposed to be starting a diet you greedy pig" into the briefest of glances - I replied "I just want to scan the bag".

The wonderfully crumpled printed paper bag, complete with twisted corners, was the nearest I have seen to a work of art since I last visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. I was vaguely aware that Brighouse was the home to a brandy snap works, but I have never managed to track it down. But now I have a mission in life, a vocation, a purpose to my endlessly dreary days. I am going to find that brandy snap factory and ..... snap it.

Like all good designer products, Wright's Quality Brandy Snaps has its own Facebook page and, like all devoted acolytes, I have "liked it". I a proud to say that I am part of a small but select group of just 26.

Realising that some of the readers of this blog from further afield might not know what brandy snap was (I occasionally get visitors from Lancashire, but I don't encourage them), I decided to take a photograph of the contents of the bag. Sadly, there were far too many individual brandy snaps to make a pleasing composition, so consequently I had to eat a good few in order to achieve this delicious photograph. The lengths I will go to for my art. As I said, delicious.


  1. A likely excuse! I suppose they're brandy-flavored candy, hence the incriminating looks from the GLW.

  2. You are a devoted blogger and Brandy Snap enthusiast and you've sold me on this delicious treat so much I'll have to pop over to their Facebook page myself and give them a like too! I do hope you share the building of the factory if and when you locate it!

  3. Now a select group of 27! Not much going on there, but hey we never know! Ha! Ha!

  4. Now that last photo is a true work of art! I wonder why so many of my good memories from England have to do with food. I haven't had a good curd tart in years.

  5. Oh the joys of food photography (and the packaging of course)

  6. Ooh, they're my favourites.

  7. Now they look delicious! I can only imagine what they taste like. Good to hear the Good Wife is out shopping with you...probably only to keep one eye on you:)

  8. I am fortunate to get handmade snaps in the holiday season so I understand your fondness for this delicacy, Alan. But having attracted our attention your readers will not be satisfied until we see a photo of the Brighouse Brandy Snap Works complete with smokestacks and Victorian iron gates.

  9. Had to find out what a brandy snap is.


Bridges, Mills And Dreams