Thursday, October 27, 2016

All At Sea

For the next two or three weeks I am going to be all at sea. Our ship, alas, is not the delightfully named "Fako", but the good ship Oceana. We are sailing south from Britain in search of the sun, with stops in Madeira, the Canaries, Spain and Portugal. Whilst we are away, News From Nowhere will be celebrating it's tenth birthday with a quiet party, a few drinks, and a decent lie-in. When it returns - in the middle of November - it will be in its eleventh year. Happy birthday to my blog, best regards to all of you, and - calm seas for me.


  1. Have a good trip.
    Do you suppose this is fancy dress? Or high fashion beach pyjamas?

  2. You have a wonderful time.

  3. Have a terrific voyage.

    And I love the outfit on the right.

  4. Have a great cruise. 11 years blogging? Fantastic.

  5. Good luck with the packing!

  6. Bon voyage, Alan! I hope the Oceana's life preservers are more substantial.

  7. Have fun and enjoy the sun! Happy Anniversary on your blog adventure! :)

  8. Happy Birthday blog and hope your owner has a good break.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...