Friday, February 16, 2018

A Grazed Knee And An Open Sea (Sepia Saturday 406)

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a group of people in swimming costumes; sitting around, standing around, and hanging around. The pool and the beach have always been prime locations for "family snaps", and there was an album-full of potential images for me to choose from.

I have chosen a picture from, I suspect, 1950 which shows my brother Roger and myself standing around and crouching around on the beach in either New Brighton or Bridlington. No doubt Roger will be able to tell us if this was West Coast or East Coast. That is a rather lame test of his memory, so he gets a bonus point if he can remember why he has a rather large plaster on his left knee!

You can see more Sepia Saturday submissions by going to the SEPIA SATURDAY BLOG and following the links.


  1. Looks like it must have been a serious boo-boo! When I was little, we went to the beach a lot, but apparently we didn't own a camera.

  2. Love this photo of you two! I have a similar photo from my childhood -- the dawn of affordable cameras allowing parents to capture so much on film.

  3. Oh the good old days. I see my young photos and wonder how did I survive this long. Our beaches in Iowa were not there but some where is southern Iowa was a Red Haw state park that had a big lake, small pond really. Our shores were always muddy from that fertile soil of Iowa. My whole family on Dad’s side went there just for fun when I was maybe seven years old.

  4. You're so right about the beach being a "prime location" for photos. I own several old shots of members of my mother's side of the family, taken during my mother's younger days.

  5. The date 1949/50,so your correct. Location, Bridlington I remember the plaster on my knee all too well. I fell when running down the road to Grange Road Primary School. I still have the scar to prove it!

  6. A simple photo that still lets us feel the heat of the sun, the taste of the saltwater, and the sound of the waves.

  7. Bayside beaches around Melbourne are normally calm with no waves, so people often just stand around in the water up to about waist height. Getting that bonus point wasn't hard at all!

  8. Neat photo, but that patched-up scrape on your bro's knee gave me a twinging shudder for a moment imagining the sting & pain of it when it happened.

  9. Those were the good old days!

    1. Indeed! I wonder if Roger will get the extra points.

  10. I can almost hear the surf. Fabulous.

  11. And the fun of a kid in sand and water, can't stop that from happening over and over!


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