Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Manchester With A Shiny Surface

I was in Manchester last week with a group of friends - the famous Old Gits Luncheon Club - and we were walking along the Rochdale Canal en-route to a splendid public house called The Briton's Protection, when I spotted two buildings, separated by a few hundred yards and a few hundred years in economic history. My first reaction was to praise the old and condemn the new, but on mature old git reflection I shall admire both. Manchester has changed, but the new Manchester is just as vibrant, striking and picturesque as the old; and with a shiny glass surface.


  1. I'm so happy you reconsidered. Before I began reading, I was lost in admiration.

  2. Spectacular photos and I love how in the one the old is the bigger building as it was once historically. In the second there’s even a reflection of bothe and the new one is now the taller one. I am not sure how wise it is to build glass towers all over the globe for I fear nasty storms in the furure.


Broken Crafts And Rescued Shadows

  When my time comes, I wouldn't mind a memorial like this. There's an appropriate look of regret at the passing of the person whose...