Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Perspire And Archive

Everybody these days seems to have a motto: some cheery little maxim that manages to condense the ethos of their organisations into a few meaningless words. On my way to the park the other day to walk the dog, I noticed that the local school was dedicated to "Aspire And Achieve" - which is a comforting declaration as otherwise I might have thought it was all about nose-diving into failure. 

Finding myself driven indoors today by the remnants of some trans-Atlantic hurricane, I can't decide whether it is summer or winter: it looks cold but I feel all hot and sweaty. I spend my time sorting through piles of old photographs and negatives, attempting to index them, file them, catalogue them. 

I need a large wooden display board to erect outside the front gate with my motto on: - "Perspire And Archive"

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