Tuesday, April 26, 2022

A Message About Mediums


When I was young, the Canadian philosopher, Marshall McLuhan, was all the rage. He is, of course, most famous for his premise that "the medium is the message" - the concept that the way ideas are circulated is as important as the ideas themselves. It has always been a concept that has fascinated me, and, if I ever manage to get around to it, it is a topic I might return to via one medium or another! What started me thinking about McLuhan, however, was a message from my brother, Roger, in his hideaway in far off Dominica, and links to a series of YouTube videos he has created. Roger is no stranger to experimenting with different mediums: sculptor, artist, writer, stamp-designer, and creator of one of the very first on-line blogs (although the term hadn't been invented at the time). His experiments with YouTube are a new departure for him, however, and are well with a view. Here is his video based on his collection of paintings called "Daughters of the Caribbean Sun"

And, here are links to the other two videos in the series:-


  1. These are fabulous paintings by your brother! What a talent!
    I tried rereading 'The Medium is the Message" last year but just couldn't get into it. I'm sure there's still a lot of truth to it but it seemed a bit dated to me.

  2. Thank you Ali. In return I've emailed you a link to some jazz recordings that you may have come across.


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