Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Looking Back On The Marsden Jazz Festival

Three days of events, over 60 separate gigs, getting on for ten thousand visitors, many hundreds of performers ...... and at last it is over. I am slowly beginning to resurface again after the 18th Annual Marsden Jazz Festival : but it is a slow process.

We had parade bands, trios, quartets, quintets, small bands and big bands. We even had a one-man band. 

We put on concerts in concert halls, in pubs, in marquees, in clubs and even on canal boats.

The weather mostly stayed kind to us and the visitors seem to have had a good time. Even the ducks on the River Colne had a good time.  Things should now return to normal and I look forward to returning to my normal blog-trawling activities.


  1. Well done indeed!!!!!

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Fantastic sir! Glad the weather co-operated with you and would've liked to have been there, indeed :)

  3. I'd love to see a jazz band on a canal boat. I've seen a jazz band on a house boat, but it was stationary. Does that count?

  4. Hi Edwin, Subby and Mo : Thanks, I'm glad its all over, it is getting to be too much like hard work. The weather was crisp but mostly kind. Jazz on a stationary house boat counts - but only half marks.

  5. Canal boat band--now that sounds especially appealing! I always thought playing on a boat would be fun!

  6. a little crispness in the air is definately not a bad thing. gladd all went well for you this weekend! great job!

  7. Welcome back!
    Looks like you had a great time, despite all of the hard work.

  8. I'm Glad All went Well Alan. I Must Get Over Next Year It Looked The Business!

  9. What a wonderful three days that must have been. It would be such a happy time and the music being played everywhere. It is so wonderful that the festival is so well attended and everyone is supporting the arts. It takes a football game to get a crowd around here.
    When my boys were in high school,their jazz band would compete at state competitions. It was such a special thing to walk in all areas of the convention center and hear all the different bands playing. Fifteen bands per division and six different divisions. It took all day to get them all through the cycle and judged for the final results.
    Your photos are great. Makes me wish I were there!!!!

  10. Looks like fun and look at your weather! The Gods were on your side all right!

  11. I posted my previous comment before I saw this one. Fabulous!

  12. 10,000 attenders....wow...that is just great! It sounds like a wonderful time! I bet you are exhausted, but have that satisfied feeling of the accomplishment!


Albert And Rose

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