Tuesday, March 13, 2007

An Important Discovery

I know this is my second posting in one day, but I think I have made an important discovery. For some time now I have been fascinated by the latest wave of spam messages (Yes, I know, what I want is a nice hobby). These are the ones which contain what appears to be a random collection of words and phrases as the wrapping paper around the pay-load which is an advert for Viagra or some similar universal panacea. The Viagra advert is in the form of an image - and thus cannot be detected by spam filters. But what of the random words? Who creates these, from where do they originate? Here is a sample from a messages which landed in my in-box this morning.
Ideas percolate Bedouins / Again we switch parts / Thrill gone, seeing my bedroom tricks mysterious / Wins prejudice, naivety and witty innuendo.
The solution came as I walked the dog this morning. They are all lyrics from Leonard Cohen songs. Granted, in some cases they are lyrics from songs the sainted Leonard hasn't written yet, but the phrases are surely destined for "Ten Sad Songs" who whatever his next CD might be called. Then a second thought strikes me. Maybe, just maybe, Len got his lyrics from a close reading of spam messages rather than the other way around. Could this create an opening for me. I have the lyrics all I need now is a tune. Now where is my father's old mouth organ.


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Wow - what an incredible idea. I love what you have done so far with Fat Dog To The Big Apple.

    I will probably do a Blogger Review next chance I get to write a batch of those.

  2. Thank you for the award and for the kind comments.

  3. Congratulations on the award!!!

    My spam "text" often seems to contain fragments of rip-roaring pirate stories. Is this a joke on the part of the spammer that they are sort-pirates?!

    (Please note my comment on your hobby posting...)


Bridges, Mills And Dreams