Friday, May 23, 2008

Cartier-Bresson In Some Crocs

It was Isobel's birthday last Sunday and, as a treat, I took her to the National Media Museum in Bradford to see their exhibition of photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson (I always think that a good working hypothesis for choosing an appropriate birthday present is to get someone a present you would like yourself*). The exhibition was very good although the prints - which came from C-B's own original albums - were a little on the small side. Every so often, they would blow up one of the prints and you would see the full glory of the composition and the brilliant way he fixed moments in time.

There was also an exhibition of photographs from the museum's own Daily Herald Collection, but it didn't quite work as there was no clear theme. In part it was concentrating on photographs of film and television locations, in part it was trying to illustrate the pre-digital approach to cropping and editing. We came away slightly confused but nevertheless entertained. The visit was rounded off by a visit to the IMAX cinema where there was a 3D film about lions showing. It was all very jolly and very colourful.


Would you like to follow in our footsteps and see the wonderful images of Henri Cartier-Bresson? Well you can do so without setting foot in Bradford. Henri Cartier-Bresson's 1955 book "Europeans" is available from Alan Burnett's Amazon store at the ridiculously low price of just £14.42 (reduced from the normal price of £24.95). But if you insist on going to the Museum in Bradford, why not make your trip as painless as possible by wearing a pair of elegant Professional Black Crocs : just £28.95. Isobel swears by them and we have them available in a range of sizes. Full details of both products are available in the "Highly Recommended" section of the store. And don't forget .... every time you buy, I get a little richer.

(*) There are, of course, exceptions to the general rule that you should get someone the kind of birthday present you want yourself. With the rapid approach of my birthday I feel compelled to point out that the main exception is me. Forget what you would like, concentrate of what I would like. As a pointer in the right direction I have included details of the new Samsung 42" HD ready plasma screen television in the "Highly Recommended" section of my store.

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