Saturday, April 25, 2009

Further development

So, as you see, JG-C has recently been busy planting flowers in the borders of our Meadow Prospect house. This is in the lower (upstairs' flat's) garden. And, yes, there's a tree in the corner, kindly donated by a neighbour. (All neighbours there are most impressed at the way the gardens have gone from tip to lawns and patios and borders in the space of about ten days! - And are kind enough to say-so.)
And the 'French Windows' are now properly in place - inverted commas because they include the top (angled) 'lights' (glass panels) as well. Note how the pitch of the extension more-or-less matches the neighbour's without being so exact as to look mass produced. We intend to keep the lighter wood colour (compared to the neighbour's wood colour.) The photo reveals the patio (top garden)... and a pile of tiles ready to go on the sloping roof.
A shot from inside the 'French window' - also showing that the floor is in place and radiators hung (well, temporarily, they come off again for plastering - and you'll have to take my word for it the rest of the radiators (for this flat) are hung as well.)

What this photo fails to show is the pleasant sense of depth and size this room now has, with the floor fitted and building rubbish/bits/tools/supplies cleared. I'm not quite sure how to get a photo to show this sense of size - I guess one needs a wider angle focus than our camera will give - one certainly feels the space. And just as well, since this room is to be kitchen/living/diner.

Just visible, if you peer, are loops of wire coming out of sockets - in fact, Ta-rah!, the ground floor flat is now 'first fix' wired - meaning all socket boxes in the walls and ceilings, all wires in place, all ready for plastering - actual fitting of lighting fittings and mains sockets and actual connection comes after plastering...

Oh, and (due to more recent regulations) this 'first fix' has to be inspected by an electrical firm appointd by the council, and the appointment is still to be booked. I perspire slightly in case young Graham has any objections to my methods. Shouldn't have, we discussed most things on the phone (but I've yet to meet him.)

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