Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Picture Of The Day : The Runaway Car

I am trying a little Blog Consolidation again and thinking about incorporating the Daily Photo Blog into News From Nowhere. I will try it for the rest of April and then decide whether to make it a permanent feature. 
So the picture for today comes from the on-going negative scanning operation. It probably dates back to the early 1980s and shows Isobel's mother and father (Edith and Raymond) with their old Morris car. I remember the car well, it had a dubious handbrake and was inclined to run away at will. Raymond used to always carry a collection of wooden wedges and building bricks in the boot to help stabilise it on any kind of gradient. You may think that the picture shows Raymond lovingly caressing his motor : in fact he his stopping it from running down the hill into the adjacent Police Station. Ah, happy days of carefree motoring.

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