Thursday, November 19, 2009

Theme Thursday : Relatively Late

I am sending this post from Samoa. Well that is not exactly true but as I was recently accused of never letting the truth get in the way of a good story, I thought I might as well live up to my reputation. Anyway back to Samoa : the reason I am posting from Samoa is that the island state is just to the right of the International Date Line. And that means it is still Thursday. Which is useful because I am running a little late this week.

It all started with that short holiday in Wales and then all the Christmas shopping. It destroyed my carefully cultivated routine. Thus on Tuesday I was still trying to complete the things I usually do on Monday, and on Wednesday I was just approaching my Tuesday list. When I would normally be penning my Theme Thursday post I was still pondering my Wordless Wednesday submission. If things carry on the way they are doing I will not have completed my Fun Friday post until well into Sepia Saturday. And then I had a thought. Go west, go about as far west as you can possibly go. Go to Samoa. As my Uncle Albert always used to say, "time is relative". You may be late in West Yorkshire but you are early in Samoa.

So there you go. You need never be late again. Simply change the location on your Google profile. In the words of the old adage, go west young man.

THEME THURSDAY : See the other Theme Thursday posts before it's too late.
GREENWICH MERIDIAN : Read all about the Prime Meridian and the International Date Line.


  1. Early in Samoa. I LOVE that, Alan! :^)

  2. lol. i will keep that in mind as my excuce in the future...haha. happy tt alan!

  3. So what you're really is don't every go on a short holiday to Wales. Which makes perfect sense I guess.

  4. Frankly, I think you have a very healthy approach to life, Alan.

  5. Is there really a "Sepia Saturday"? I think I'd enjoy that. (Glad you made it, after all.)

  6. I shall certainly remember this when I'm running behind, like for deadlines due this weekend:-(

    Thank you for such a clever take on TT...

  7. You, fine sir, are a genius! -J

  8. How The West Was Won!

  9. Thank you all.
    Poetikat : No, I made that up. Shall we start one?
    Jayne H-H : No I'm not.

  10. Great idea--I can foresee lots of posts from the south sea islands!

  11. This is a MARVELOUS post Alan.
    Thanks for the tips, and for sharing.
    Happy tt!!!

  12. I love the way your mind works. You are very clever, sir!

  13. That reminds me of the phrase "It's happy hour somewhere in the world!"

  14. VERY clever thoughts Alan!
    Bottom were really RIGHT ON TIME!

  15. Interesting. May change it the wrong way, though, and end up even later! I think...

  16. I loved it! And since no one else has said it... "Give us Samoa of that!!!" Barump-bump!

    (getting tomatoes tossed at head)

  17. i don't hink my boss is going to buy that excuse next time i'm late to work. He might transfer me to Somoa...

  18. Lol,that was a great post and great blog too.Will be back.Thank you for stopping by at my place!

  19. Always great advice. That's why I come here.

  20. How about: "Oh... I thought you meant NEXT Thursday."


  21. A stellar post, Alan! Happy weekend to you--early here in America...

  22. Oh, this made me laugh! How very clever! I think we should add this excuse to my list, no? :)

  23. Perfect solution for the bothersome late issue! Alan you are a genius!

  24. Alan, I'm game for "Sepia Saturday". I've got quite a few old b&w photos from the 40s and 50s (and earlier) that I'd love to showcase!



Excelsior Forgotten

This photo of my mother sat on my fathers' Excelsior motorbike dates, I think, from the 1940s. It was taken at our house on Southmere Dr...