Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Postcards From The Pond

After almost a week of frantic packing I seem to be no closer to being ready to embark on my holiday. But on Friday, whether the bags are perfectly packed or not, we set out : first to Southampton to join our ship and then across the wide Atlantic to the Caribbean Sea. In total it will take us nine days to cross (although there will be a one day stop in Tenerife in the Canary Islands) and I have given considerable thought as to how to occupy myself during those long days at sea when there is nothing to do but sip a cold beer and watch the sea from our cabin balcony. When we were last on holiday in January I managed to get the first chapter of the GNTFC (the Great Novella of the Twenty First Century) written and during the last couple of weeks I have managed to return to that, tear it up, start again and get the first draft of the re-written first chapter completed. If all goes according to plan I hope to get at least another chapter finished by the time we reach the Caribbean Sea. As the story is set on a liner crossing the Atlantic to New York in 1934, it would seem like a suitable way of occupying those long balmy days at sea..

But hopefully I will not be ignoring my blog altogether and I plan to send a series of "postcards" from the journey across the "pond". Whether or not I will be able to publish these on a regular basis will depend on the strength of the satellite signal, but if necessary I will group them together and send them when there is a functioning Internet connection. Please don't worry about leaving comments on these posts : the cost of using the service from on board ship is high and therefore I will not be able to reply to comments or return visits during the next couple of weeks. Just think of these posts as "postcards to friends", which is exactly what they are.

Our home during the next two and a half weeks will be the P&O cruise ship Ventura. We first went on the Ventura a couple of years ago just after it was launched. At the time I put together a comparative picture of the new ship in order to give people an impression of its size. For the sake of comparison (and with the help of a little cut and paste technology) I showed the Ventura to scale sailing alongside the Titanic. That comparison didn't bring me any bad luck on that occasion, so I will use it again now.

So that's it. Anchors away. Wish me luck with the GNTFC. See you all on my return.


  1. Have a fantastic holiday Alan and I will look forward to reading your postcards when you are able to send them. I will think of you sipping a cold beer as you watch the sea ...and all the best with your novel!

  2. Thanks Marilyn. See you on my return.

  3. Bon Voyage, Alan! And, good luck with chapter two.

    You're sailing from Southampton, once promoted in our University prospectus as 'the city with a capital sea'.

    What time are you sailing? I might be able to give you a wave from Mayflower Park.

  4. Martin : It normally sails at about 5.00pm. I will wave in the direction of Mayflower Park - just in case.

  5. I am a little jealous so look forward to the postcards. Last time I sailed from Southampton I was 11 years old on a six week voyage to Australia . . never been on a cruise boat since. . but the spaghetti was good.

  6. This sounds like an incredible vacation, and crossing the Atlantic is filled with charm. Hope the muses are with you.

  7. Have a great holiday Alan.

  8. On the cruises I've been on, with all of the wonderful things available to do, my favorite thing is sitting and looking at the sea! How wonderful!

    Do you have camera on your list? :)

  9. Enjoy the boat, thr beer, the Caribbean and the writing,Alan! Knowing your ability to tell a good tale, I'll look forward to hearing your adventures at sea. I do miss that part of the world.


  10. Have a wonderful tour and I hope you get at least a chapter or two written in your novel!

  11. Looks VERY fun indeed. how wonderful for you two and what a great way to spend your time on the crossing with that reading and posts too. If we have to read them later, no problem.

    wishing you a great holiday, dear Alan. :)

  12. I hope you and the good lady wife have a lovely time. Sitting watching the sea while sipping a beer and writing sounds about the perfect way to spend a sea voyage to me. I look forward to the postcards!

  13. Have a wonderful holiday the two of you.

    I wonder which islands you'll be visiting in the Caribbean?

  14. Have a fantastic holiday! I look forward to reading the postcards, as and when you are able to post them out.

    Bon voyage

  15. Now that's a bigger boat.

  16. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Looking forward to the post cards.. you have a very fun time and be safe! :) The Bach


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