Thursday, March 01, 2012

Sepia Saturday : A Flying Visit And A Cover Drive

This is a bit of a flying visit. I have been a little busy these last few days and we are about to fly off for a week in warmer climes. We head for the Canary Islands on Sunday for a week in what we hope will be the sun and thus there will not be much activity on News From Nowhere for at least the next ten days. I am leaving you with a Sepia Saturday submission  for this weeks' theme which is GAMES. The picture would have been taken in about 1950 and it shows my brother Roger defending his wicket in what I assume was our back garden in Great Horton, Bradford.

Even though I was only four when we moved from Bradford, I can just about remember street cricket games and, in particular, being hit in the face by a well placed cover drive. It was only a tennis ball but it left me with such a psychological injury that I have avoided all kinds of active sport ever since (well, that's my excuse anyway). I do play a mean but relatively restrained game of chess and, as this tends to be via Facebook these days, I have so far avoided being hit in the face by a Kings' bishop.

My games during the next week will be limited to a little non-competitive beer drinking. And hopefully, the holiday will allow me to meet up with a favourite fellow-blogger. Please don't feel as though you have to comment on this post, I am afraid that I probably will not get chance to reciprocate until I return. But why not go over to the Sepia Saturday Blog and see what games all the other participants are playing.


  1. This is a great shot of you taking to the bat. Have a great suntan.

  2. "Some parent" made an excellent photo of their"little guy" being an up and coming athlete. you have a great time in the Canaries.

  3. Cricket and chess are two games I don't know how to play. I wish I were going somewhere warm to drink beer this week.

  4. You obviously had a posh cricket set as you have bails on the wicket. The 50s were my 'best' cricketing days too. Good shot!

  5. Hmmm... The impish look on that face leads me to think that you were up to no good with that bat!

    Have fun in the Canaries!

  6. Safe journey, Alan. Have a fabulous break.

  7. Enjoy getting a bit of suntan, Alan. Any chance of you teaching a would-be chess aficionado?

    Safe journey to you and GLW.

  8. Have a great time! Me, envious...... no! Ha.

  9. Have a wonderful trip Alan..enjoy the sunshine for all of us that are stuck in "winter" ! :)

  10. Oh my goodness...that is an adorable photo! You really have some great ones of you and your brother,..and parents. :)

    Have a wonderful trip!

  11. I got hit in the nose TRYING to catch a fly ball and have been scarred for life too. Watch out for flying bishops and we'll see you when we see you. Happy Travels!

  12. What a lovely smile from Roger. I hope you’ll be smiling next week too! Have a good trip.

  13. Have A Fine Holiday Alan! Enjoy!

  14. Enjoy your trip! Apparently it is going to get MUCH colder here in dear old Blighty...

    (wonder what "Blighty" is by the way - do you know?)

  15. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I have to admit that I have never understood cricket but I certainly like the way it looks and the way the players look! :-)

  16. Always a delight to see one of your family photos, esp. you and your brother as boys. Your brother appears totally in control of his wicket! Have a great time in the sun.

  17. Never saw this game played. Guess it is not played much here. You have a great time and be safe.

  18. Well I don't think rain will stop play where you are at the moment.

  19. Anonymous3:33 PM

    What a cheeky grin the little Roger has :-) Jo

  20. Great picture - what an adorable little guy with a dazzling smile.

  21. Too cute. Is there a British equivalent for Tee-ball for children's baseball?

  22. What a little cutie-love that grin! Hope you are having a fabulous time on holiday.

  23. Wonderful picture, it sounds like you were quite traumatized! I really don't know anything about cricket, is that called a bat or paddle?

  24. By the look on Roger's face, I think he was winning!!!!


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...