Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Watching The World Go By

My apologies. For the moment I am watching the world go by. The Lad is home for a week before going back to University and therefore my life, and my blogs, are postponed until next week. The picture is a re-scan of a negative I took back in the 1970s. 


  1. Great atmosphere in this shot. Enjoy your family and the real world.

  2. It's my favourite pastime. We've been doing just that today, though the world was a little more scantily clad.

  3. Enjoy your world-watching...this is a fantastic pic, by the way...

  4. Have a very enjoyable week. I'm sure Alexander has many stories to tell.

    This photo may have many stories to tell too. I am curious about the young man's briefcase. I expect someone is about to reach down and exchange the case for another one, just like in the movies.

  5. Lovely photo...Enjoy your week with your son...

  6. But they are all going away!

  7. Enjoy him while he is home. I recognize that 70's hair!

  8. Had Lad and Lass here, too, similarly. Having them around there are better things to do than blog!


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...