Thursday, February 14, 2013

Scan And Boot

I took these two photographs in the British Lake District about thirty years ago. I am not sure which lake it is, but I remember our day out well. The second photograph took advantage of an old bench that had been left dangerously close to the edge of the lake. Luckily, Isobel and our friend Chrissy were wearing Wellington Boots and therefore I was able to set up this shot. By chance, it came up for re-scanning yesterday (I am slowly working my way through my old negative files) and today, thirty years on, Isobel and Chrissy have gone off shopping together. Perhaps they will buy some new Wellington Boots.


  1. Hi Alan, the second photo is of Derwent water taken from Keswick, you can see Cat Bells in the background. First probably the same.

    1. Thanks David, I am sure you are right. But, of course, you have answered one question but posed another : which of my friend David's are you? My guess would go to David B.

  2. The beautiful ENGLISH Lake District, my home when I was a little girl- even before these pictures were taken. Isobel and Chrissy have demonstrated the enduring power of friendships formed when younger. Last weekend we played host to my friend of fifty years and her husband, and were reminded once more why we became such good friends in the first place.

    1. I thought if I called them British I could equally lay claim to the Scottish Lochs.

    2. I've never heard them described thus, but I always keep a open mind. I don't want the Scottish Lochs!

  3. I don't care what you call them, the photos are striking either way.

  4. This is the second time you've mentioned scanning negatives. I didn't know that could be done. Any scanner, or a special kind? Inquiring al.

  5. Living in Southport, as I did in my younger days, a trip to the Lakes was quite frequent. Haven't been near the place in 30 years though - but I must admit on that occasion it was heaving with traffic, which put me off a bit.

  6. What wonderful photos, very striking. And how lovely that they are still friends and off today for some shopping. Old friends are invaluable.

  7. Are You Sure That 2nd Photo Isnt Hebden Bridge?:)

  8. There's a quality to old black & whites that digital can't quite match.

  9. Lovely old black and whites..I hope Izzy buys more than boots with her friend..awesome that they are out shopping together:)

  10. Alan, these are both beautiful photos. How fun that the ladies still hang out and do fun things together.

    Kathy M.

  11. I'm about to scan my slides. I've found some awesome pictures of myself in handsomer days. Kind of surprises you.

  12. Glad David identified Catbells and Lake Derwent Water for you as I was pretty sure that's what it was but not 100% sure. We had our honeymoon in the Lake District near Keswick. Climbed Catbells the year before when we were on vacation there. Lovely area of the country.

  13. Do I take it from what you said that the water level had risen before you set up the shot?

  14. Thank goodness for GREAT boots! What a lovely spot to sit and soak the boots!

  15. The Wellington's remind me of the Winnie the Pooh stories with Christopher Robin out on a rainy day with his umbrella. I want to see if we sell Wellington's over here or if it is an exclusive British thing. They are wonderful shots and are so great to be revealed again to us.


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