Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Emasculated, Emancipated But Certainly Not Emaciated

The Lad finally passed his driving test last week and I had to deliver on my promise to give him my car. So, on Tuesday, I drove over to Sheffield to hand it over and suddenly, for the first time in in thirty or so years, I am without a car. Emasculated. I dare say at some point I will buy a new one and until then if I behave myself, the GLW will let me drive hers, but for the moment I am quite enjoying being car-free and fancy-free. Emancipated. Perhaps all the walking the awaits me might do me good because I could do with losing a pound or twenty. Certainly not emaciated.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Congratulations to The Lad who looks absolutely delighted. Sounds like you're not too sad at losing your car either. Win, Win! :-)

  2. Polish up the Bus Pass before they take it away

  3. Be careful what you promise.

  4. The worst thing is that he got a job on Monday so it seemed to be a suitable point in life to stand by my promise. As I handed over the car yesterday news broke that all First Year Medic job offers in the UK have been withdrawn because of a marking error in the exams (the papers and media are full of it in the UK today). So am I justified in taking my car back?

    1. How disappointing for him, and no you can't have it back.

  5. Congratulations to Alex.

  6. Your young man certainly handles those keys well. Let him keep it.

  7. The Lad Done Good!

  8. He looks proud and excited! Very cute photo! And congrats to him! Have fun walking, too! :)

  9. More of us should get used to being more car free. It would do us good as well as cut down on green house gases..

  10. Congratulations to you, both. I use the car less and less these days, and there has been much discussion over the pros and cons of giving it up altogether. The jury is still out.

  11. What were you thinking of, Alan?

  12. He'll be demanding your house next!

  13. Taking immediate possession with pleasure. You will miss your car but I don't envy having to go out to buy one again. The Lad got a great looking shiny car.

  14. Ah - I know the reason. Great opportunity for you to offload the money-pit and get yourself a brand new motor... Smart!

  15. It looks as if you must have washed it for him too..Amy will love the extra walking time:)


Grey And Great