Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Message To Sepians Emeritus

If you have followed my blog for any period of time you will have noticed that posts entitled "Sepia Saturday" have peppered my output like grains of salt atop a finely fried egg. Many of my fellow bloggers also contribute to Sepia Saturday each week and many more of my on-line friends have contributed to it at one time or another over the last four years. It is to this latter group - those Sepians Emeritus - that this post is directed. This Saturday, the 26th October 2013, Sepia Saturday celebrates its' 200th edition and to mark the occasion we are asking everyone who has ever taken part to re-post one of their own favourite contributions from the last four years. We will then gather together all these contributions into a small book which will be available on a non-profit, publish-on-demand basis. So if you have ever participated in Sepia Saturday, and even if you are not currently participating, why not search through your blog archives and find your favourite Sepia Saturday post (your own post, not that of someone else). Then all you have to do is to re-post it in time for this weekend and link it to the Sepia Saturday Blog. Full details of all you need to do are available on this weeks call notice. Help us celebrate a sepia anniversary and join in with Sepia Saturday 200.


  1. I posted my re-post today, and left my approval and short bio on our regular Sepia Saturday posting. Let me know if you need anything more from me. This is such an incredible celebration for us all. Thank you Alan, and Marilyn and anyone else that had a part in this idea.

  2. Well done Alan for keeping this meme going with the help of others too. Hope it continues for many more episodes. I haven't contributed often but do enjoy reading the blog. I will be settling into my daughter's home in LA on Saturday and in the air on Sunday so not sure if I will have time to post.


Broken Crafts And Rescued Shadows

  When my time comes, I wouldn't mind a memorial like this. There's an appropriate look of regret at the passing of the person whose...