Monday, October 21, 2013

An Ethereal Suggestion Of The Prehistoric

Back from a week of heat and sun in Spain and back to a land of endless rain-sodden mists. It is not exactly cold, but it is miserable. I prefer to remember last week. This picture was taken on Saturday when we went down to San Pedro del Pinatar on the great Mar Menor lagoon. There were flamingos feeding in the salt lakes creating wonderful reflections in the still waters.

Just taking the reflection you are left with a rather ethereal suggestion of something almost prehistoric. I suspect it would make a rather good blog header.


  1. That is a surreal photo. Unreal. I do like tracing bits back to the photo above--the foot in the water, the head. That eye!

  2. It is a great shot. The ring band tends to diminish it's wild and natural look.

  3. That's freaky, all right!

  4. Great reflection. Do Euroean flamingos not come in pink?

  5. Wonderful! Flamingos are such amazing birds!

  6. Interesting account of good stuff you saw. I like the reflections.

  7. Beautiful birds..and I like the partial reflection too! I hope your finger is getting all better, I am certain the cold weather will slow your healing progress:(

  8. Lovely reflections Alan.

  9. The heat hasn't exhausted your powers of imagination, Alan. Nice shots.

  10. Their beaks always amuse me

  11. Good photo. Why KBAC or O I wonder? I tried googling it, but found nothing likely.

  12. Magnificent photo and showing the reflection separately really makes you think.


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