Monday, September 07, 2015

Context In Celluloid

As near as I can tell, I took this photograph 50 years ago. It was the Halifax Gala and there were brass bands, high wire acts and nascent pop groups. I know this from the photographs on the same strip of negatives - context in celluloid. But what of the photographer fifty years ago?  Seventeen years old and beginning to find his way around a camera viewfinder. And beginning to find his way around life? I'm not sure I ever have.


  1. Strikes me you're doing just fine with the camera. And your observations on life rarely fail to interest (and often amuse). Do any of us really find our way round Life? - as Churchill said, KBO.

  2. Great! Will you be showing us any more singles from this roll?

  3. Ha ha, I was expecting you to say you were the guy with the barbells! Or that you lifted more than he did! Glad you had the camera instead, otherwise this muscle bound guy wouldn't appear 50 years later!

  4. still finding my way around life also ... it sometimes seems rather circuitous but on we go ...


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...