Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Soho Strip Show

A scan of a strip of negatives dating back to the late 1970s when we lived in London. It is fairly easy to work out which area of London these photographs were taken in : the smoke and the sleaze almost oozes out of the grain. 

These were taken long before digital technology came up with the idea of imprinting the date pictures were taken on the photographs themselves; but the era is written in the clothes, the cars, and the faces of the passers-by.

This time and this place needs monochrome. Sound and colour would surely be distracting.


  1. Love the third picture of the old house. Very Charles Dickens in feel. Especially with the old windows.

  2. Regrettably, the clothing from that era is making its way back again...I love your black and white photos.

  3. They are good shots from memory lane. I have a hard time thinking the 70's were so long ago but I guess I getting to old tor remember it was a long time ago. All the buildings are a study of historic structures of the time.

  4. Oh goodness, I enjoy taking it all in! Just imagine the themes we could dive into with each of these photos!

  5. The whole thing looks very tacky! Now what were you doing there???

  6. Great shots! I especially like the old house/building.

  7. It now seems a golden age of vulgarity, when trashy and sleazy were displayed within walking distance of decent and respectable.

  8. The first picture is interesting. In 1971, my friend Dave and I were in the Royal Navy, training in Chatham. In our leisure time, we would often get on the train up to London, go round the pubs and usually end up in Soho to finish off the night. He and I both became members of the Pink Pussycat Club in the photo. You had to join or they wouldn't let you in...what a rip off!


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...