Friday, March 02, 2018

Fowler And The Scowler (Sepia Saturday 408)

Our Sepia Saturday theme image this week features a group of golf caddies in Vancouver, Canada. My contributions does not feature a group, has nothing to do with golf, and was taken oceans away from Canada. Nevertheless, as I looked at the capped figure solidly sat in the centre of the group, I couldn't help thinking of my great Uncle Fowler Beanland.

I have several photographs of Fowler surrounded by crown green bowlers and cricket batters, most of which I have shared on Sepia Saturday before.  My photograph this week just shows Fowler and friend (that is Fowler B on the right), neither of whom seem to be brimming over with joy. Indeed, the prize-winning scowl of the friend is a collectors piece in itself. 

From the looks of the car in the background, I would guess that the photograph dates from the 1930s when Fowler would by in his early 60s. There is not enough of a background to identify a location, but there is a good chance that it was taken in Keighley - the West Yorkshire town where he was born and lived most of his life.

(You can see more Sepia Saturday contributions by visiting the Sepia Saturday Blog and following the links)


  1. It looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't like being photographed!

  2. These guys both have hands in pockets, so it might have been taken on a chilly day. Except for the pipe holder that is. He's just scowling because the photographer asked him to take the pipe out of his mouth, I'm thinking...

  3. This looks like a photo taken by a roving street photographer. If so, then one of them reconsidered their annoyance and bought the snap. I think pipe smokers are less common now than men in soft caps.

  4. They do look annoyed with the photographer. I like their look - the caps and vests, the roomy pants. We'll probably see this kind of style for men resurrected. Sure would be nice to see something on men's heads other than ball caps.

  5. They might have just been watching a game and the team or person they were rooting for didn't win so they weren't in the best of moods? We just got back from a hard-fought girls' basketball section championship game which our granddaughters' team lost by 5 points in overtime. Took us a while to regain a smiling outlook! (didn't help that it was my sister's granddaughter's team that won, darn it. :)

  6. What a fantastic photo - scowls and all. It's real and I love it for that. I'm with Mike - street photographer for sure.

  7. Love this photo! Perhaps the were just displeased with the paparazzi snapping their photo unannounced.

  8. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Yes - it does seem they were "accosted" for a photo. Nice that they hung on to it for us to enjoy.

  9. Your great uncle appears to be quite interesting really. I wonder what the entire story was and who was taking the photo? Could be quite the story. Interesting old car for sure but I rather like the street lamps with stripes on the poles?

  10. Hands in pockets seems to have gone out of fashion. Maybe today's pockets are no roomy enough. The globed street lamp and the milliner's shop on the right should give a clue to location.

  11. I LOVE that name! Fowler Beanland. That name should be used in a novel.

    Perhaps this was a shot taken by a roving street photographer who then handed them a card telling where they could get a print. People seldom look jolly in those shots.

  12. Definitely a great title in search of a photo - so glad you had one handy.

  13. Good Old Mr Beanland !
    I came across dozens of looks like that from Grumpy Blokes when I was a lad.
    I bet the photographer was both young and Fowler was just in the process of offering a clip 'round the earhole!


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