Sunday, March 14, 2021

Rediscovering The Plans


This is a photograph of unknown origin, the type of thing some people call an orphan image, which I must have acquired at some point as part of a job lot of old photographs nobody wanted any more. There is, however, an almost painterly quality about it: someone has taken the time to pose the group and the composition is outstanding. Equally, it has the ability to suggest both famous people and occasions: blink and I see President Roosevelt inspecting plans for the Panama Canal, blink again and it is Eiffel planning his tower.  I've coloured it a bit and cropped it a bit, just to prove that you can't spoil a good photo by messing with it. I even did a Google Image search to see if it was a copy of a more famous photo, and surprise, surprise, I found an exact match! It appeared in a blogpost five years ago by someone who said: "I have found this old photo and I don't know where it came from!".  The post was from me - which just goes to prove two things: that life is a constant process of rediscovery ..... and my mind is beginning to go!

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