Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Goodbye Work Hello Shopping

So it is goodbye then.
Goodbye to getting up at the crack of dawn
In Summer or in Winter
Trudging your way through snow, sleet and rain
To wage the endless war against
C. Diff or MRSA
Goodbye then.

So it is goodbye then.
Goodbye to the calls for urgent help
That come in morning, noon and night
When you are out for the day or at home
In front of a roaring fire
Warm and tired
Goodbye then.

So it is goodbye then.
Goodbye to reading about Staphylococci A
On your days off and on holiday
Goodbye to the policies and the protocols
The journal texts and guidelines all
Free at last ....

......at least until July when you might go back for a couple of sessions a week just to keep your hand in.



  1. Happy Retirement, indeed! Congratulations (to both of you)!

  2. Please give TGLW my best regards, ans I trust she does not become a nuisance under your feet (you know what these retired types are like...).

  3. Now she can start blogging about it all!

  4. She's going to be SO bored!!

  5. Issy
    Have a long healthy happy retirement. Perhaps buy your husband some "teach yourself chess" books to enhance the likelihood of his happiness as well?
    Love Martin Linda David and Alice xxxx

  6. Happy day indeed although get ready for a few adjustments, it's not easy having to shed your career, kudos, respect and be relegated to the kitchen.

  7. Relegated to the kitchen??? I think not, you are going to take her out for meals now aren't you Alan? Happy retirement to you both!!

  8. happy retirement - i wouldn't be surprised if issy finds herself busier than ever in retirement wondering "how did i ever have time to for work?"

    regarding july if there is a might.... there is also a might not!

    bon voyage on the upcoming trip!

  9. Have a great retirement! But please don't take Alan away from his photographic walks; there's a huge fan base out here for those.

  10. Best wishes for a long and happy retirement to you both! xo

  11. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Happy retirement, Mrs Burnett - I'm sure you and Alan have many interesting walks/photos/pints/blogs ahead of you and I look forward to reading about them :-) Jo

  12. Congratulations Issy! I hope you have a great time and consider a blog of your own. I also hope that the great MRSA Monster doesn't take advantage of your absence.

  13. Oh, I spoke too soon. Issy, you MUST get back to work right NOW. At this very moment the MRSA Monster is making his way across the English Channel. Only you can stop him. Cancel the trip to New York and stop this menace.

    (This message made possible by donations from The Gentleman's Society for Daytime drinking)

  14. Congrats to all and happy times. You have not stopped by in a while and I miss hearing from you.

  15. I wish you and your wife happy days ahead and thanks for the reply to my question.

  16. What a joyous day! RETIREMENT! FREE time! Or...shall I say...more time for FUN. Best wishes for a wonderful time of retirement Issy!

  17. I could tell by the name of your post that your lovely wife entered retirement! Just think about all the marvelous shopping experiences you can blog about now. (I am not a shopper) Perhaps she will enjoy a bit of time away from you and not drag you along each time!
    Congrats Issy!! :)

  18. I dunno, she looks awfully happy in these pix! -J

  19. Happy 1st day of retirement :)

  20. Congratulations and very best wishes - enjoy it!

  21. Rather a long absence, old chap. Stuck in M&S or B&Q?

  22. Enjoy the Freedom Issy !

  23. Retirement is such a fun time - lots to do and we find ourselves even busier now than when we were working...is that possible?

  24. Congratulations to your both. You will just love it once the newness and strangeness wears off. I kept thinking I was forgetting something. Forgetting to get up on time, etc. Let us hear all about it.


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