Monday, May 23, 2011

Ten Things I Have Discovered Since The GLW Retired

Ten things I have discovered since the Good Lady Wife (GLW) Retired.

1. There are an awful lot of shops in the world.
2. Few things beat the company of good friends whilst enjoying a good pint.
3. Most shops - other than ones which sell books, old postcards, or electronic gadgets - are excruciatingly boring.
4. Jaume Plensa is one of the most exciting artists I have come across in ages and his current exhibition at the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (my photograph above was taken there) is well worth a visit no matter where in the world you may live.
5. The Apple iPad is perhaps the greatest contribution to human happiness since the invention of fish and chips.
6. My GLW is really very fond of shopping indeed.
7. There is a great delight in taking a car ride with people who are experts in Victorian architecture.
8. Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta is the real name of Lady Gaga (A question in last weeks' pub quiz)
9. It is actually quite nice having someone in the house with you all the time.
10. A week without blog posting and blog commenting is far too long and it is well worth sacrificing a little of the shopping to accommodate a little more of the blogging.


  1. Hahaha . . I'm not sure I agree with you about the iPad but then I'd rather have a laptop. Sounds like you're enjoying it all which is a great thing.

  2. No. 9 would be No.1 with me.........

  3. Perhaps you should keep a record of shops visited, just so that we can be fully sympathetic about your awful situation :p

    As for numbers 9 and 10 - I agree wholeheartedly :)

  4. My favorite is no. 2 but then I'm partial to a pint with friends. Congrats to the GLW on retirement and good luck shopping!

  5. Amen to #10! And I heartily agree with #3, except I would add hardware stores to the fun shopping places; I have a fondness for tools and non-electronic gadgets found there.

  6. love the list.

    ditto on shopping - altho my exceptions are: books, kitchen gadgets, hardware stores, and nurseries

    i do confess to having serious lust regarding the ipad

  7. Ha. love how you follow up 3 from number 2. You are such a hoot, dear Alan. More blogging--definitely. :)

  8. Oh you are so right about the book stores! Or libraries, any place where books abound....and as you probably know with my posts, I too chase postcards! My fascination for books has been passed down to my children too (thank goodness they created book stores with a cafe great homework or study spot) my book phase began at about age 10 when I'd take the bus to town to visit the library, every Saturday (by myself) a fine old building too (another of my favorite things) enjoy your GLW time, and your vacation as well!

  9. I'd have to amend "books" in #3 to "books, magazines, and/or comic books," but yeah, I "hear" you.

  10. I can only speak from personal experience, Alan. I took early retirement in 2006 and my own GLW retired almost exactly a year later. The one thing we've discovered is, we wouldn't have it any other way. Number 9 on your list gets a big 'amen' from me.

    It's far from original, but retirement is a journey, not a destination. We never lose sight of that one.

  11. What about "Ten Things The GLW Has Discovered Since She Retired?"

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  12. My son-in-law would agree about the iPad - would you believe, he won one in a super-pub-quiz! No 4 has reminded me I must visit that! But very glad that you mentioned No 9 - we want you both to enjoy it!

  13. You are TOO cute, Alan. So glad you are learning all these new things. I bet GLW is enjoying her retirement very much. :)

  14. I agree with Roy about the hardware stores. I just like to pick up things there and look at them - and think about the possibilities. Speaking of possibilities...if my name were Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, the last thing I would change it to is Lady Gaga.

  15. I Went To (A Very Windy) Yorkshire Sculpture Today!

  16. Sounds like you're having a great time. Keep the blogging level high and the shopping to a controlled level. Shopping at someone else's pace, in shops which are of no interest is unfortunately a necessary evil that most of us have to face at some time or another.

  17. A good list! I would add music (as in instruments) stores to the not-boring list; #5 tells me I'm missing an opportunity at true happiness; #8--Learn something new every day!

  18. ah i so want an iPad...yeah i am not looking forward to the shopping, i must get an iPad before that time comes...

  19. Got an ipad the other week - the only product I can remember queuing for in years. Well worth it though.

    They say men and women shop differently: women browse; men head straight for what they need. Except it reverses if you pur women in Halfords.

  20. Are you keeping track of the purchases? I am not a good shopper and I am a disappointment to my Mother and daughters who shop. That shopping gene missed me. I do like a good antique shop or garage sale..
    The retirement transition is not always easy..but it sounds like you are doing okay:)

  21. What a well ordered life... with room for fun..And the artwork is very intriguing..the photo stopped me short!!

  22. Yes, to the iPad and blogging. We both retired on the same day 18 months ago (early I might add) and now we need a second iPad. I agree with number nine but it’s good to have a big house :) Seriously, we love doing things together, but as you’d read in my first couple of blogs when I started out a few weeks ago, ‘Me’ time is important too!

  23. Great list, Alan and #9 is among my favorites as well. It would be nice to enjoy Plensa's exhibit, but can't make the trip this year...maybe another time

  24. Alan, as always I am way behind and just today catching up on my blog reading. Delighted to read that your good wife has joined the retirement ranks with us.

    I can't imagine being retired without having my dear hubby by my side in all our adventures. But, then I only retired because he ask me to when he proposed. I'm sure I would still be punching that time clock if I had not met him.

    But, being free to go whenever the mood strikes make for a lot less blogging time as your mentioned. I find it hard to keep up with my photo a day much less posting something written, and feel bad that I can not keep up with the comments like I did before.
    I still pop into my favorites for a quick read but seldom comment anymore because I am always so late to the party.

  25. I am incapable of passing a book shop!


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