Thursday, May 05, 2011

FPTP, AV And A Hanging Sword

We are having a referendum in the United Kingdom today, which is all jolly exciting as it is only the second national referendum we have ever had. The referendum gives us an opportunity to change the voting system used in Parliamentary elections (is it the old Cromwellian in me which believes that if God and the Queen are entitled to capital letters, so is Parliament?). The two systems on offer are the current first past the post (FPTP) method or the alternative vote (AV) method. I have to confess that my vote has been largely determined not by the stated advantages of either system but by the ridiculous arguments put forward by the "No" campaign. To be told by the main party that is behind the "No" campaign that nobody in their right mind uses the AV system when they use just such as system to elect their own leader seems a little hypocritical to me. The current forecasts are that the "No" campaign will win the day which simply goes to show what an antipathy to change we have over here. This is the country, after all, where new Members of Parliament - however they be elected - upon taking office are provided with a metal locker, a coat hanger and a red silk ribbon to hang their sword from.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Some things never die...

  2. Good old Blighty !

  3. A red silk ribbon to hang their sword from? There's an honesty in the metaphor I can appreciate.

  4. i need a ribbon for my sword...

  5. Always fascinating to hear about the political system of your fair land. I want a red ribbon for my sword.

  6. Just goes to prove not type of government is ideal. I don't ever know what to believe from our Washington players and play is about all I can see they do. This thing going on now about bin Laden is a good example. Yes a red ribbon for sure. No other color would do.LOL

  7. Eek, thanks for reminding me! Like a visit to the dentist, the need to vote in this referendum keeps slipping my mind. I will go now! I'm voting yes simply because I'm insulted that the No people think we're not intelligent enough to understand AV!

  8. I want a ribbon too
    wouldn't it be neat if people could vote on the loo..haha
    Okay not really a good call
    Just needed the rhyme to work is all

  9. I've just been to do the 'deed'. Strange places, village halls/polling stations.

  10. Alan...I am wondering if our political leaders had a red ribbon from which to hang their swords if some of them would be BETTER behaved??

  11. Me, too! :) I want a ribbon! ha.

  12. Yes, it's sad the way the campaign has been conducted.

    I voted for AV - it's fairer, more representative system and that overrides other concerns to me.

  13. I'm just imagining members of our congress walking round with swords!

  14. A lot of people here seem to want ribbons. Anyone running for office would be heartened by how easily we can be bribed.

  15. Alan: If FPTP wins, then I'll be convinced that the electorate is, in the main, stupid and ignorant.

  16. Are they REALLY presented with a red silk ribbon?? That's funny!!

    As for the campaigning; yet another example of the internal wrangling in our lopsided 'coalition'.

  17. How about proportional representation?


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