Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fatted Calves And Retrospective Images

All my plans for this weekend seem to have gone awry (what a strange word that is, you half expect it to be a fishing village in Cornwall). I haven't even managed to get my Sepia Saturday post up - it will be either fashionably late or unfashionably early depending on whether it makes it by mid-week or not. The cause of all this disruption is that we have been searching the local shops looking for a fatted calf : yes, The Lad is due back later today after a couple of months in Africa. The above picture of the Crook County Calf Club is taken from the Flickr Commons collection of the Oregon State University Archives.

In case you would like to see some of my photographs today, can I point you in the direction of The Book Of Cletis as the ever-splendid Cletis is hosting a brief retrospective of some of my photographs. My thanks to him for his interest, my thanks to you for your visit, and my thanks to Africa for putting up with The Lad for the last eight weeks.


  1. Hope you find the fatted calf... and have a wonderful reunion with the lad.

  2. I've just been to see Cletis and it's a lovely retrospective. Great examples. Regarding this post: LOVE that photograph. The Crooked County Calf Club. I think the brunette in the plaid skirt went on to become curator at a New York art gallery. She has the hair for it.

    Best of luck with the fatted calf. I think the homecoming is also supposed to include some rings and a pretty nice robe.

  3. The cow looks the happiest of the lot in that photo! I’m sure The Lad will have a great homecoming - fatted calf or no. I visited Cletis too; a nice selection.

  4. This is a good sign, Alan, real life getting in the way of blogging. No contest.

  5. Enjoyed your pieces over at Cletis' blog, Alan. Glad to hear your lad is returning to the fold.

  6. It will be good to see the lad and hear of all of his experiences. We briefly saw our son from Maine recently and he came home to claim some of his valuable memories in objects. We took him out to eat at a place where he could eat meat while his wife the vegetarian ate grilled cheese.

  7. I know you're excited to have your son back home. Enjoy! And Alan, roast a's so much less work that the fatted calf! ha.

  8. Glad to see the Oregon cow represented here--& a nice feature on the Book of Cletis!

  9. What an interesting photo. Hope you find that "fatted calf," Al! lol

  10. Could almost be a shot out of the mid-West in the 1930s

  11. What a sweet picture!

  12. Alan, thanks for the loan of your photos. John's comment regarding you at my place is the gospel truth.

  13. The calf has by far the best haircut!

  14. Hope you found the calf..and had a happy homecoming with your Lad..Africa..I bet he had some stories to tell! Love the old photo:)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...