Friday, August 19, 2011

Picture Post 1026 : Alan Burnett's Economic Insight

Which Way To Turn? - Halifax Show, August 2011 (Alan Burnett)
The problem with the global economy at the moment is that nobody seems to know which way to turn. Caught between post-capitalist recession and crypto-communist financial speculation we are in urgent need of leadership.


  1. Love all the different colors represented here. It shows many "differences" can still co-habitate, n'est pas?

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Amen. It might be worse over here, Alan. I think we are in sight of a Global Depression, or at least one for America equal to the last in the 1930s. I know we made do with a lot less in those days. I don't know what we will be able to do without air conditioning. It is now getting warmer, due to Global Warming, and if Nature gets its act together that should be followed by a Little Ice Age. No doubt there will be a few plagues in there and a lot of rusty cars on the streets of cities around the world. The city ordinances against keeping farm animals and raising vegetable gardens instead of growing lawn grass, will be total ignored. I would not doubt the West, here in America, would also resort to shooting people who attempt to break into homes to steal food and fodder.

  3. that is so cute! excellent photo for your post.

  4. A few years ago hubs said 'it will all end in tears' ... how right he was.

  5. Heh, heh! Reminds me of the of the old hens gossiping in Meredith Wilson's The Music Man ("Pick a Little, Talk a Little"). Of course, these are geese rather than old hens, but silly birds skittering about chattering are pretty much the same from species to species.

  6. At least this bunch look up for the challenge...not just swanning about, making all the right noises.

  7. What a wonderful photo, & very appropriate to the subject!

  8. Present problems are water off a duck's back to some. Great photo, made me laugh.

  9. Beautifully captioned. Definitely time to get our political ducks in a row.

  10. Wow..that one looks like it has a leopard print. Very fashionable! haha.

  11. i don't see a single leader among those. better get in there and fix this!!

  12. This image makes your point precisely, Alan.

  13. Politics and politicians are for the birds. I am not sure how it will all turn out..but I can get a cow and a pig and a sheep or two and chickens and ducks..we won't starve..but it won't be the retirement we thought it would be either:)

  14. They are taking the 'chaos theory' approach, or the well know Micawber tack.

  15. who pays the bill ?

  16. I certainly can't top Tony's clever pun, but I will say it's a good photo for illustrating the cluster@#$k we're all in.

  17. I love the photo :)

  18. The whole thing gives me goose bumps.

  19. And the thing is, to my mind they all look a bit like Nick Clegg.. this is worrying

  20. Wonderful photo and analysis.

  21. I am exhausted from all the bad news. Solutions are so extremely philosophical in either way and those who are not working are wondering when they can start eating again. I really like all the waterfowl.

  22. Handsome photo and you are exactly right in your analysis.


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