Monday, March 12, 2012

An Island Of Views And Prospects

We are back after a splendid week in Lanzarote where the sun shone and the beer and wine flowed and the entire visit was made even more memorable by meeting up with fellow-blogger Little Nell and her husband. Us bloggers inhabit a strange world where we know each other well but, in most cases, have never actually met face-to-face. And can there be a finer tribute to this on-line community that we belong to than the fact that a fellow blogger can extend such a warm hand of friendship and hospitality to someone who has, until then, been little more than a pixel avitar. Marilyn (Little Nell) and her husband John took us around the island and introduced us to places that will live in the memory for a long time. For the next few days I will feature some of the photographs I took in order give people just a little flavour of what is a stunning island set in the Atlantic Ocean about 80 miles off the African coast.

To fully appreciate the beauty, the history and the geography of the island you could do no better than look at Marilyn's Blog (Hanging On My Word) and also John's own blog (Lanzarote on Foot). My own pictures can merely give an impression of my memories of the island and its' stunning scenery. My photograph for today was taken in the north of the island on the high cliffs overlooking the small northern island of La Graciosa. The picture captures some of the rich colour of the island - the brown and umbers of the baked earth and the deep blue of the sea. The photograph also serves to remind me that Lanzarote is an island of views and prospects where the natural shapes of land, coast and mountain are set off perfectly against the vibrant background of sea and sky.

A lovely island - more to come tomorrow.


  1. Hello Alan:
    We so fully endorse all that you say here about the generosity and warmth of friendship to be found in the world of the blogosphere. Clearly you have had the most wonderful time and we shall much look forward to your pictures.

  2. What fun! It is a fine on-line community. Your visit sounds and looks like it was very good time, indeed. Looking forward to more.

  3. You went for the sun, we went off for the Northern LIghts and skidoo driving at night.

  4. Alan, that is a superb photograph, and an eloquent summary of your stay. I look forward to reading more.

  5. Welcome back--sounds like a pleasant place to be towards the end of winter!

  6. How absolutely wonderful! What a very exciting visit I'm sure it was. I am looking forward to more photos from there. This one is unbelievable, so stunning! I just recently through Little Nell's blog been getting to know her lovely island and I know getting an inside view of things must have been the most perfect thing ever for your trip, and also of course meeting them!

  7. Glad you enjoyed it. Sounds even more fun that it was shared in such pleasant company. Hooray for blogfriends!

  8. Oh Alan that is the ultimate blog experience, getting to meet a blogger friend and seeing their neck of the woods. The photograph is beautiful and appreciate your sharing your story and photos.

  9. Welcome back, Alan! If this one is an indication of what the rest of your photos from the trip are like, then his will be a memorable homecoming.

  10. What a wonderful looking place. I had somehow gathered the impression it was ugly - obviously it is not, and I look forward to seeing more of your pics.

    I don't think I've made a "real life" friend from a fellow blogger although I have a very good friend I met originally on the internet doing something completely different. I shall go and check Little Nell's blog now!

  11. Oh my it looks beautiful, exotic and sunny!! :)

  12. Super that you had a local guide! when we go on our own we miss a lot because we don't know what to look for.

  13. What a fantastic landscape, and how exciting that you got to meet Little Nell.


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