Saturday, March 24, 2012

Sepia Saturday 118 : Going Out (To Thornton?)

The theme for Sepia Saturday 118 is "Going Out" and I have chosen this photograph of my grandparents (Kate and Albert Beanland) to illustrate it. They are certainly going out : Albert with his best silver watch chain, Kate with an upturned soup plate on her head. And what that rather curious hand gesture Kate is making is, we shall never know (which is perhaps a good thing)! I suspect the photograph was taken in the immediate post-war years - Albert died in 1948 at the age of 73.

So where was the photograph taken? I suppose it could have been the seaside, but times were hard in those immediate post-war years and pleasures often had to be found nearer home. People would go out for a day, to a park or local beauty spot. The reverse of the photograph provides no firm evidence, but it does give an address (Yarwood Grove, Bradford) where my grandmother lived. And if you look at a local map and imagined where they might have been going out to, what is that village a couple of miles north-west of where they lived? None other than Thornton, the very same Thornton that Jennyfreckles and I have been blogging about all week. So my Sepia contributions might just be part of my "One Pin, Two Views" series. We will never know, but I like to think it is.

Get yourself out and see what everyone else is doing this Sepia Saturday by visiting the Sepia Saturday Blog and following those sepia links.


  1. To think, those upturned soup plates used to be all the rage. Now it's more trendy to have your hair sculpted...apparently. What would Kate have thought of that?

  2. Hi Alan .. what a great photo, timing and storyline .. looks like they might be at a wedding - but I guess not ... your grandfather has a touch of Harold Wilson about him ... lovely setting and fun to see - thanks - enjoy the sun, which I hope you have up there .. cheers Hilary

  3. Hat, pipe, watch chain... very snappy!

  4. They may have been going on a train ride along the viaduct in Jenny's post. Love old photos like this. Grandma kate looks like she may be having something to say emphatically. Granddad is a handsome looking fellow. I have an old photo on my post too.Snap!

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I need to find an old crate of yellowed photographs. The auctions around here used to give away baskets filled with old photos. Now the same basket of photos would cost an arm and leg.

    Since I was hacked I had to give up my old user name and the blogs that went with it.

    So this is the new birds blog and I hope you can come visit. Birds Birds Birds and Birds

  6. That's a smart-looking suit your grandmother is wearing. The imaginings sparked by a photo are often just as interesting as the photo itself.

  7. Albert looks a contented man and they still have something to say to each other, by the looks of it, even after many years of marriage. I'm sure they would have known Thornton, living on that side of the city. They might have been wryly amused at our exploits there.

  8. Albert bears an uncanny resemblance to the old king. No, not that old king, the other old king - Edward. There'e even a hint of a King George (the older one) without the beard.

    Are you royal?

  9. An animated photo Alan. Kate is describing something very small I think - just a pinch! It’s funny how we all like to use hand gestures to emphasise and clarify - even if the person we’re talking to isn’t actually looking at us.

  10. A contented man with his waistcoat, watch chain and don't forget his pipe. Is your grandmother holding something between her finger and thumb?

  11. Your grandfather looks like he is patiently listening to your grandmother. They look very charming.

  12. The photo is great but even better is the name "beanland". I love it. Dickens couldn't have come up with a better name.

  13. So cute, and being a woman she surely has a determination and some sort of idea about where ever or what ever they are about to do! What charming grandparents they are, and your grandfather looks to have the spirit of a very happy man, always out and ready to please his partner!

  14. I love Kate's style! They look to be very much the happy couple.

  15. Omigosh, never heard about the upturned soup plate fad...

    Great photo.

    Dee at Shakin' the Family Tree

  16. Hi Alan, I love this picture. It looks like they were having quite a chat with your Grandmother doing most of the talking!

    Have a great week,

    Kathy M.

  17. You always pick out one or two interesting things of each photo , but there are so many things to see. You mention he upturned soup bowl hat but there's much more to see. here there were street photographers who took your picture in a location like this and then sold you the picture. My grandma was a sucker for these and always bought them.

  18. That is a fine watch chain, your grandmother is in full flow, only your grandfather has noticed the photographer. I wonder what the flower was.

  19. A wonderful sepia pic Alan ... Your grandparents make a very elegant couple very stylishly dressed.

  20. I really love your grandparents pic:) lol
    Love sepia!

  21. They look so elegant and refined. I believe that Kate is saying she would like just a tiny piece of cake.

  22. It looks like your grandmother is wearing a corsage, so maybe it was a special occasion.

  23. As for her gesture, may I propose: "Albert, look where you're going!! You almost made stepped on a little dog pooh... I really don't want dog pooh on my new shoes!!"

  24. I love the days when going out meant the full ensemble - nice dress and shoes, nice coat and hat. A lucky lady was given a corsage by her partner. My dad used to buy my mom a gardenia corsage if they were going out for a dinner dance. Ahhh.

  25. Oh your Grandmother had her own style with that hat..I love it! :)

  26. A fine bit of detective work, Alan. Your collection seems to have an endless supply of candid photos of people in action. Who's holding the camera?

  27. Oh yes, who had the camera and caught them in stride? I almost think there is a very fine veil attached to her hat (no soup bowl there :-)) Perhaps they were discussing having a stop at a pub and she was saying, "well perhaps just a teeny tiny sip of whiskey would be nice....." Think?


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...