Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Carved Serpents Of Memory

We went to the South Yorkshire village of Cawthorne on Sunday for no other reason than it was a sunny Bank Holiday and I had never been there before. At least, I thought I had never been, but Isobel insisted we had visited the village several times. I looked through my old photographs to see if I could find any of Cawthorne - as far as I am concerned, if I haven't photographed it, I haven't been.
In the centre of the village there is an old stone cross and drinking fountain which is decorated with carved serpents. It looks ancient, but a little research shows it is only about 150 years old. Not everything is as it seems - perhaps that is true of my memory as well.


  1. Got a shock when I saw that image - thought you'd snapped the mother-in-law...

  2. Perhasp Isobel is remembering her previous life - do you believe in reincarnation?

  3. A repulsive pile of snakes, and on a drinking fountain? Perhaps trying to conserve the village water supply.

  4. That looks quite scary. I should stick to the beer!

  5. With a half hidden admission of poor memory like that , you should try politics. They seem to have very poor memories and selective at that.

  6. Well if Isobel says you were there you probably were even if no photos exist..do you remember a pub?:)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...