Friday, October 04, 2013

Sent From My iPhone

Sent from my iPhone

I've had the operation. now I'm home and trying to recover. I have a rather large splint on my right hand which means that it is very difficult to type or do anything meaningful with the computer. this particular blog entry is being made by speaking into my iPhone and getting it to work out what I'm saying and translate it into written text. if only this kind of technology had being available during my deaf years, I would have been a much happier person. within the coming days hopefully I'll be able to wear the splint less and less and consequently be able to type my posts as normal. once things get easier I'll be back and let you know all about it.


  1. How clever is that. Talking to your blog. Hope it improves soon. Can you hold a glass of beer is the most important thing?

  2. Technology is wonderful. I hope you are soon on the mend.

  3. It doesn't capitalise!

    Why have you got an arrow on your wrist? To point to where it hurt?

  4. i think they put those arrows so they don't operate on the wrong hand.
    speedy recover.

  5. Amazing technology! Lucky thing it is only your right hand. Gx

  6. Your thumb seems abnormally long.

  7. Very good result. I think picture from iPhone 5.

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  8. As I asked on Facebook, who says an iPhone isn't 'handy'?

  9. Just to complete the circle, Alan, I brought up the text-to-speech program in Windows 7 and had it read your post back to me. Not as entertaining as reading your speech, since Microsoft Anne has limited inflection and stumbles on the word iPhone which become epp-honA.

    Google Translate was much better at enunciating your English to my English. And your pronunciation of Chinese is Excellent! Hope your fingers are soon back to normal.

  10. Marking out the scene of the action is a good thing. My eight year old granddaughter visited once, right after a swim meet. The coach wrote her three events on the back of her hand. I hope all the little swimmers were similarly inked.

  11. Wow that should hurt some and I hope it gets better soon. I spent a long time with a pinky finger that wouldn't bend correctly. I manually straightened it and it hurt when I did that. But I could still type. Take care and get better.

  12. Poor you. Never mind, you can spend your time thinking about Sepia Saturday 200.....and then let me know what you' come up with. I'll be back some time next week.

  13. How amazing that this iphone speech thing actually works. Wonderful! But I am sorry about your hand, and hope the splint is off soon. .

  14. I'm glad that has been remedied and hope you heal quickly!

  15. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Alan, any surgery is not nice, but often times necessary. Take time to heal, looking forward to your future blogs!

  16. I knew you would find a way to communicate! I hope you have a swift recovery! :)

  17. Hope you're much better soon! Get well, friend.

  18. Alan, hope you feel better soon!

  19. Too much technology


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