Monday, June 23, 2014

A Lovely Day

For once in my life I hardly took any photographs over the weekend. I just wanted to enjoy the experience of what was a lovely, lovely day rather than worrying about camera angles or stray thumbs. And there were professional photographers on hand and hundreds of guests with cameras at the ready. Here, however, are a couple of the few that I took; so for one day only - it's the wedding.


  1. Wonderful! A happy day indeed and congratulations to the happy pair.

  2. Wonderful- it seems the sun was shining.

  3. Congratulations to all! What a beautiful couple they are, I wish them many blessings:)

  4. How lovely...I hope you enjoyed yourself 100%...and best wishes to your son and his new wife. You now have a daughter-in-law!

  5. I'm sure he felt very comfortable on a warm day with winged collar and waistcoat - but a couple of good 'Dad photos' to remember the day.

  6. It looks like a wonderful day for a great wedding. I took few photos at my first son's wedding and it was nice to be pressured to catch it all. Congratulations dad to the addition to your family.

  7. It looks a wonderful day. All the very best of everything to all!

  8. Such a fun day! They look wonderful! Glad you enjoyed yourself, too!

  9. Lovely! One of ours just got engaged on Suday, so we will have a wedding to enjoy next year!

  10. It looks a lovely day!

  11. How lovely, glad you all had a good day. They do look happy.

  12. I felt the same at my son's wedding a few weeks ago, just wanted to enjoy the moment and took few photos. Congratulations and blessings to the happy couple and all the family. As a former Bridlingtonian now in Australia, I really enjoy your blog.

  13. My best to everyone, and thanks for sharing their gorgeous day here.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...