Sunday, June 08, 2014

Reflections On The Second World War

A photograph taken this morning at the Brighouse 1940s Weekend. It wasn't so much the fact that Churchill turned up that drew my attention: nor the streets full of jeeps, nor the sentry boxes on the street corners. It was that wonderful polished steel helmet. 

I followed the General around the streets trying to get a good reflection in his hat. Which was a strange way to spend the war.


  1. We would hope that helmet never left the parade ground.

  2. General Patton, I presume.

  3. I was going to ask were they really that shiny?? :)
    On another note, lucky you to have some sunshine.

  4. Anonymous10:28 PM

    That would stand out a mile. I thought idea was to be inconspicuous. I like the distorted images it reflects.

  5. Great photo - perseverance pays off! But I wonder what the notion was...surely no one, even a general, had a helmet like that.

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    You deserve a medal for your dogged determination, Alan!

  7. Something to be looked into? Yes - presumably intended to be Patton - fascinating!

  8. I would've been a bit surprised myself at seeing Churchill...

  9. Pretty good likenesses there!

    And happy birthday to you, my friend! xo


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