Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sepia Saturday 318 : They Can't Take That Away From Me

I thought I would try something a little different for Sepia Saturday 318. Our theme image features a fine old photograph of that greatest of jazz singers, Billie Holiday. 

Us lovers of old photographs are hooked on memories and history - things which can never be taken away from us whilst the old photographs survive.

So what better way to celebrate old family photographs than to combine them with the inimitable Billie singing "They Can't Take That Away From Me"

To see what other Sepians are doing with our theme this week, take a trip to the Sepia Saturday Blog.


  1. All those hats!
    And a great song beautifully sung.

  2. This is just perfect. Of course I didn't follow the theme this week at all, but I posted!

  3. My son and daughter-in-law had that song for their first dance at their wedding reception, chosen for them by the bride's 95 year old grandfather, although they didn't use the version by Billie Holiday

  4. This is so beautiful! I want to do it! And it made me think of a photo I could have used and didn't. Darn.

  5. What wonderful pictures, and what a wonderful way to show them off. Very nice!

  6. A fine idea, love the grainy old photos who bring another time alive. I regret that lots of old photos were lost from my mothers family as they were always moving, fleeing, because of wars.

  7. Wonderful compilation of photos accompanied by a beautiful song.

  8. As always, the cutting edge of technology is kept pretty sharp on your blog, Alan. I expect you will soon have photos singing and dancing too.

  9. Oh now everyone will want to do this! Very creative Alan and one to come back to again and again.

  10. What an innovative way to show us you old photos accompanied by a singer and a song I'm sure most of us remember.

  11. Great collection (as always) of family photos, and a super song.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...