Sunday, July 05, 2009

Love In Six Months For The Clayton Girls

I never cease to be amazed by the ability of Google AdSense to find the most extraordinary links based on the content of blog postings. The other day I posted a piece about my mother's three Clayton cousins who were born at the close of the nineteenth century and lived all their lives as spinsters in a little terraced house in Clayton, near Bradford. Within 24 hours the Ad on the blog had changed to "Girls In Bradford : Thousands Of Singles In Bradford. Love In 6 Months, Or 6 Months Free!" What would Cousins Ada, Clara and Ellen made of it all? I like to think that they might just have clicked on the link.


  1. It doesnt stop there! Sometimes I will Blog a post & then I get several emails that are trying to sell me items related to the topic..........Big Brother is watching Us!

  2. I suppose we should just be pleased that we are still worth watching.


Bus Station Dynasties

  History is sometimes measured in dynasties - the Tudors or Stuarts, the Tangs or the Yans - but for most folk a more prosaic way of markin...