Friday, November 12, 2010

Sepia Saturday : The Lad Comes Of Age

I am not sure of the significance of reaching the age of 21 any more. It used to be the age at which you could get married, vote, die for your country and take out a mortgage : but I suspect you can do most of these things now at the age of 11 rather than 21. But even if the 21st birthday has been stripped of all its meaning, lets try and give it some back by declaring that on achieving the age of 21 you can feature in a Sepia Saturday post. And therefore let me introduce you to my son, The Lad, Alexander Holroyd Burnett who was born 21 years ago today. I seem to remember taking the above photograph when he was just a few days old. He's a bit bigger now, but to me and his mum, just as beautiful.

We won't see him this weekend - he's now in the midst of his clinical years at Medical School and no doubt he will be hosting a good few parties down in Sheffield - but we will be thinking of him. And we'll be thinking of that day 21 years ago when we both looked at that new life that had just come into being and wondered what was in store for it. Happy birthday Pal : there's not been a day of the 21 years when I've not been proud of you.

This is a Sepia Saturday post. To see other Sepia Saturday posters go to the Sepia Saturday Blog and follow the links.


  1. Happy birthday indeed. I'm sure he is just as beautiful now. It may not have the significance it once did but 21 is still a good excuse to celebrate. Can anyone take out a mortgage these days? I thought you had to be a millionaire!

  2. Anonymous11:49 PM

    He sure is cute :-)

  3. Happy birthday, Alexander. I hope you don't wake up married an mortgaged tomorrow though.

  4. Happy birthday to you Xander! There's nothing like a son, is there? You should be proud!

  5. Beautiful post, Alan. Happy Birthday, Alexander!

  6. Happy Birthday to your sweet baby boy..they never outgrow that baby least mine haven't and they are both way over 21. :)

  7. Oh priceless!!! Ditto to a fine tribute!

    Add my wishes to his happy birthday; I will include him in my own toasts as we celebrate mine this Saturday (11-13) way beyond 21!!

  8. What an adorable baby! Happy birthday, Alexander! What a great tribute, Alan.

  9. Well done, Alan. Congratulations to both The Lad and his proud parents.

  10. It's a wonderful thing to be able to be proud of your children Alan. I'm extremely proud of mine. Congratulations to your son and wishing him a very,very, happy birthday.

  11. Thanks for sharing this precious picture of your darling boy. Well done Alan and GLW. Happy birthday Alexander!

  12. Happy Birthday Alex!

  13. Such a nice post filled with sweet memories for you and your family. Hope your son has a special twenty-first birthday.

  14. I never knew what it meant to 21 years in the past. I wonder why they changed it. Seems like a good idea to me.

  15. Happy Birthday to your laddy, Alan. He's lucky to have you for a father!

  16. That's really nice. Happy birthday, Alexander. Our youngest is going to be 21 at the end of next August, just after she returns from Japan. Can't believe it.

  17. Twenty-one. Happy birthday to him! What a lovely post!

  18. Happy birthday to the lad, & a lovely post from a proud dad.

  19. awwww. how nice to be able to post that. and what a lovely baby.

  20. You made me cry! That was so moving.

  21. Happy birthday to Alexander.

    Congratulations on his 21st. That's what we used to say when we 'became of age'. I'll never understand how it was dropped to 18 but I suppose that's showing my age!

    A wonderful tribute from a doting father to a much loved son. I am sure the feeling is reciprocated.

  22. What a beautiful baby and what wonderful words that are full of love for your son. I do hope that he had a great birthday.

  23. At 21 he's still just a babe. Probably doesn't know what sepia is. But it's a sepia Saturday celebration for sure - Happy Birthday! BTW, Alan - I hear your dog is getting French postcards in the mail.

  24. a nice homage to your son. i think 21 still remains a turning point where someone fully embraces adulthood. let's hope he shares similar memories about his youth.

  25. Happy 21st Birthday to Alexander! Perfectly perfect Sepia Saturday photo!


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