Monday, November 15, 2010

Walking The Viaduct

Amy and I decided to blow away the cobwebs of post-holiday lethargy by taking a walk over the magnificent Bradley Viaduct which forms part of the rather splendid Calder Valley Greenway. The viaduct was originally built in either 1867 or 1901 (depending on which version of history you subscribe to) as part of the extension of the Midland Railway from Mirfield to Huddersfield. Whilst the line was closed in 1937, the viaduct remained and for many years it was in a very dilapidated state, but in 2008 it was restored and incorporated into the new Greenway, a cycle and walking route between Huddersfield and Dewsbury.

I have managed to track down an illustration showing a postcard which featured the construction of the viaduct, which suggests that the later of the two construction dates is the more likely.

The grandeur of the viaduct combined with the crispness of a November morning was certainly invigorating (well, I found it so, Amy says it wasn't quite smelly enough for her), and it has prompted me to try and walk the rest of the Greenway over the coming week or two. I will report back on my progress.


  1. You always come up with such interesting posts, Alan. This is no exception. How cold is it in your part of the world?

  2. E : I had to scrape ice of the car for the first time this winter today.

  3. You are so fortunate to have such a vista close to hand and a walk along a viaduct - just the word puts me in mind of the Romans, so I'm really surprised at the date of the bridge.

    Has Amy forgiven you then?


  4. Kat : Amy doesn't do forgiveness until large quantities of food have been produced. The viaduct was a real treat, I have driven past it so many times and today was the first time I have walked it.

  5. Good luck on your quest.
    Did I miss something, is Holroyd an older family name, or a cartoon?
    I like it. My son, Dr. Burnett, sounds great! -J

  6. Jayne H-H : Holroyd is an old family name - and a very typical old Yorkshire name. Seemed perfect to sit alongside the more prosaic "Alexander"

  7. Isn't it a good thing, when someone has the foresight to incorporate great engineering works such as these, into a scheme that we can all enjoy?

    When we lived in Cornwall, we often cycled the Camel trail (disused rail link) from Wadebridge to Padstow, where we...ahem..'fuelled up' for the return journey.

    Alan, have you tried to temp Amy with beer sops? If you're not familiar (and I can't believe you're not, as it's got the word 'beer' in it) it's simply, bread and beer. Our old Springer cross used to love it.

  8. You Brits are so fortunate in the abundance of walking trails (all in convenient reach of a friendly pub!)

    Sound like a lovely walk!

  9. Martin : I've never tried her on beer sops - will give it a try tonight.
    Vicki : Yes I am looking forward to exploring it. And it is only a couple of miles from where I live.

  10. nice. bet that was a cool walk...

  11. I'm fascinated by all the wonderful viaducts that pepper your fair landscape. The only viaduct I've been close to in these parts, is the Kansas City viaduct. Not nearly as magical.

  12. It's lovely that even near these quite large town centres, there's always a scenic walk. No viaducts here, not one.

  13. Definitely worth finishing the route, I would think! That line closed very early. Round here, most were axed in the 60s. While Beeching has a lot to answer for, he did at least leave us with some attractive walks.

  14. Majestic. There's something great about this post! Architecture! Carry on and show us more. Thanks.

  15. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I think there is a Ted Hughes poem regarding that viaduct.Interesting.

  16. Interesting walk..I am glad Amy got to go. I don't know about the beer..In College I had a dog that several of my friends fed beer because they thought it was funny..the poor dog had diarrhea for days:(


Bridges, Mills And Dreams