Monday, September 19, 2011

Picture Post 1029 : Terracotta Temples

Returning to my trip to Spain a couple of weeks ago. The whole length of the Costa Del Sol is lined with terracotta temples to tourism. The relentless sun banishes all gradations, turning pictures into patterns. This was a small shopping centre between San Pedro and Estepona.


  1. Nice composition, and equally nice descriptive words. I look forward to your next thousand posts.

  2. Decorative ....and alliterative!

  3. Superb picture, Alan. The sky is a stark contrast to the building.

  4. at least the pattern is soothing eh?

  5. Wow, Alan, I have missed some of your posts. I will have to read them and catch up. I want to hear all about your trip to Spain. Several years ago a friend invited me to travel to Spain with her but I was unable to take the time for the trip so she went alone and she had such a wonderful time.

  6. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Can you think back to China and the Mao Jackets the people all wore and carried around the little Red book. Look at China today. Chairman Mao could never fathom China today.

    When the word, "Spain," comes up then my mind races to bull fighting and the lust for blood and the carcass being drug out by a tractor.

    When the word, "Spain," comes up I remember the invasion of the Americas by that crown and the numbers of people enslaved and slaughtered. Whole nations of people. Under the banner of church and state, no less.

    Of all the places I would like to visit before I die, Spain would be on the bottom of the list.

    Now, I am not talking about the people or bloggers but the nation and what it stood for over the centuries.

  7. You certainly have an eye for this kind of thing, Alan. I wouldn't have thought of that as a photo - I just wouldn't have seen it that way. But it makes a wonderful picture.

  8. I love the simple detail and color.

  9. Nice picture. Sunny days!

  10. Rioja wine is another good reminder of Spain.

  11. Beautiful tiles. And that sky is amazingly blue blue. (Thanks for your kind words re my poem, dear friend)

  12. This shot, could be a national flag.

  13. Gorgeous! It certainly does look Spanish, doesn't it? I'd love to visit some time.

  14. Stunning and that's a pineapple isn't it? ...and they represent, warmth, welcoming, hospitality and friendship....!

  15. nicely captured!!
    totally the kind of details i go for!!


Grey And Great