Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mashed Liquorice And a Walk In The Park

Chairman Bill in a comment to my last post accuses me of becoming tardy in my blogging activities. He is, of course, quite right (which will come as no surprise to those who follow him, as he is always right) : I plead guilty as charged. I would like to put forward a long list of mitigating circumstances in my defence, but I can think of none. But as I stand here on the steps of the War Memorial in Greenhead Park, I do solemnly declare that in future I will be a better blogger. And as I publicly munch this humble pie of mashed liquorice and  wholesome bran flakes I declare that I will aspire to be a more regular blogger. 

In order to maintain the necessary continuity for my new phase of regular and responsive blogging, here is a quick summary of what has been happening in my life during these recent days of radio silence.
 - The GLW and I yet again won the Friday night quiz at the pub which has led to accusations of cheating;
 - After our victory of a couple of weeks ago, Denis and I lost our last Crown Green Bowling match against the girls by the small margin of 21-4 (which has led to accusations of cheating);
 - My New Year Resolution of becoming a fitter and slimmer person has melted away like a lump of lard in a chip pan;
 - Amazingly, the Great Novelette of the 21st Century is still going strong with over 50,000 words now committed to paper;
  - The clouds vanished yesterday revealing glorious blue skies and perfect weather for a walk in the magnificently restored Greenhead Park, Huddersfield;
 - My attempt to reverse the decline in the Great British Pub continues with my attendance at an Old Gits lunch at the Sportsman Tavern tomorrow.
Regular blogging will return tomorrow - that is, of course, if I am not too hung-over following the monthly gathering of the Worshipful Company of Old Gits.


  1. I totally sympathize. To say the least. Heh.

  2. Of course life sometimes has to get in the way of blogging, but it's an easy fix once you get back to blogging inbetween life and all that mashed liquorice and brans of sorts! Hope you don't get too hung over, but do enjoy yourselves!

  3. Congrats on yet another Friday night win. Blogging can always wait while life goes on.

  4. A delightful explanation. Perhaps quality can't, and shouldn't, be sacrificed for regularity.

  5. Some days I just barely get through so my blogging comes when it comes. I am hoping that no one out there will cease or retreat when my cold gets so bad that I just don't care. Either way, I don't have a calendar marking down your post, I just miss you when you are out doing funner things than me.

  6. Absolutely good excuses for not posting. I do like the vivid green of the park. I assume it was a recent picture so for us to see green like that is a real treat.

  7. That's cheating - you posted while I wasn't looking!

  8. The thing is, quality, not quantity, Alan. At least when you do post, it's always going to be a good read.

  9. I hear you, Alan. I haven't been nearly as prolific as I used to be on my own blog lately. I'm firmly of the opinion that you only blog when you have something to say or show. If that turns out to be every other day, or even only weekly or monthly, then so be it. Blogging daily for the sake of blogging daily yields a lot of verbiage but doesn't guarantee quality. Blogging when the inspiration is there yields much higher quality.

  10. Excellent decisions you have made. Hope your little dog had a nice walk in the park too.

  11. omg - you are among the best bloggers there could ever be

    what planet does chairman bill live on?

    mashed liquorice?? oh my that sounds fairly disgusting....

  12. We are grateful for every blog crumb Alan! It’s sad when favourites suddenly disappear off the radar, so keep up the liquorice diet.

  13. Blogging can and should be whatever a person wants it to be. And as often or infrequent as you want. No obligation, blog when you feel like it. I'll be happy to read it whenever You choose.

  14. Well Alan, Your Blogging Sins Pale Against Mine (I seem Totally AWOL at the moment)I Guess I Must Make+ Eat My Own humble pie of mashed liquorice.:)

  15. Fancy not blogging every single day. Huh. Catch me missing any... erm.

    Well done at winning the quiz night again. Does this mean that we are in line for another set of questions from you? (Please)

  16. What is mashed liquorice? I love the taste of Liquorice..I don't suppose it is as good.
    Blog when you can..sounds like you live a busy life! Congrats on your recent win! :)


Grey And Great