Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Steep Streets Of Bradford And An Iced Bun

This morning, the rain clouds took a couple of hours off from their depressing task of drowning the entire population of the north of England, so I caught a bus to Bradford and went for a walk. I was in search of hills to walk up and down : my watch demands such things so that it can record my activity levels. If I manage to meet the targets it sets me I can reward myself with a pint of beer and an iced bun. One of the streets I managed to pull my aching body up was the eponymously named Burnett Street, the kind of grand, steep street that Bradford does so well.

The second of my Steep Streets of Bradford is Queensgate, another of those cobbled hills that dissect fine sandstone terraces. At one time it would be the home of wool merchants, grocers and provisioners - but now it hosts a slot machine arcade. I avoided calling in for a flutter, deciding that I would be better to press onwards, achieve my exercise goal, and buy an iced bun.


  1. I enjoy your style. And that's a nice photo. Take out the bins and it's even nicer (you could have had an extra iced bun). I am trying to imagine the same scene a hundred or so years ago.

  2. Looks lovely but for those red bins...I hope you enjoyed the bun. Is it strange walking without your canine friend?

    1. Yes, I agree with both you and Mike - those bins are a right nuisance : there should be a simple tool in Photoshop for getting rid of them!

  3. I am glad the watch is happy. We too have been drenched with rain the past three days. Lots of water not just a sprinkle. I like seeing the roadways of North England. i guess I don't know your different parts of the country so very well. I need to pay attention....better.

    1. Look at a map of Britain and you should find Bradford family easily (half way up the British Isles in the middle) Zoom in and just a few miles south of Bradford you will find the small town of Brighouse which is close to where we live.

  4. Bradford looks beautiful. Especially with some blue sky.

    1. I meant to say - we plan to go to Haddon Hall on Sunday. Last time we were there they were selling Yorkshire Crisps so I really hope they haven't changed their ideas.

    2. If you have trouble getting those Yorkshire crisps, let me know - I have a source.

  5. Nice walk through town. Keep at it. Iced buns sound pretty good.


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...