Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lending A Hand With The Christmas Rush

When I was a lad I used to get confused about religion. It wasn't particularly the belief systems - if truth be told they still confuse me now - it was more the timing of the various religious festivals. You see my father worked in a chocolate and toffee factory and they suffered from accelerated seasons. When the summer sun was high in the sky and other fathers were accompanying their children to the seaside for the day, my father was at work, doing overtime because of the "Christmas Rush". And that didn't mean that work was slack when the festive season approached, the factory also made Easter Eggs and therefore as the December nights drew in my father would be busy servicing the lines of mechanical hens that lay thousands of Easter eggs.

Although I can't match my father's seasonal anticipation, I have been busy enough myself over recent weeks churning out a variety of calendars and books ready for the Christmas market (by which I mean the Christmas stockings of various unsuspecting and unfortunate friends and relatives). It would be nice to say that the rush is now over and a return to more regular blog postings is imminent,  but I had a call from the Hospital the other day to say that I need to go in for another hand operation in a couple of weeks. We will have to see how things progress, but I suspect that the Easter Eggs might be a little late next year.


  1. Sorry to hear you need more work done on your hand Alan. That's no fun at all.
    Yes, I've nearly finished the annual Badly Made Products "Anzere Collection" calendar. I just need to force the Chef to choose a few of his images.

  2. So Santa Claus and the Easter bunny kept your Dad gainfully employed.

  3. I hope the Op goes well Alan .

  4. Good Lord - you have been busy. Well done!

  5. I'm sorry about the op, but i am still chuckling at the idea of your dad tending mechanical hens. I wonder what he fed them on? Do tell!


My Daily Calendar : 9th - 12th March 2025 : Market, Mills, Love And Rain

  This picture is taken from an old picture postcard and shows Doncaster Market Place in the early years of the twentieth century. A long ti...