Friday, July 21, 2017

On The Half-Life Of Houses

There is just too much going on at the moment. There is little time to think, little time to read, less time to write. There is just about enough time to stand outside the house and have a photograph taken. So to mark time during these busy summer weeks, here is a series of twenty people standing outside their houses.


Different objects mark time in different ways. Music becomes old with all the spinning speed of an old 78rpm record. Books take longer to age, but eventually they tire of being modern novels and age into classics. Houses have a longer half-life: look at this bungalow today - in bright colour and with plastic bins by the door and cars lining the drive - and you would still call it modern. But this photograph must have been taken eighty years ago and this young girl must now be grown very old indeed.


  1. I like the look of this house better without thinking of any of the modern touches it could have.

  2. Now it would like have bast upvc windows and replacement doors from Homebase. Much nicer as it was.

    1. Make that nasty upvc windows. Oh how I love this iPad.

  3. That person would be lucky if the house remained standing. 80 years agowas a time of the dreadful WWll.

  4. Your writing of the story is so right on. Living on a farm as the youngest boy, the boredom inside was more that I could handle. Going out on the back porch and just sit there to see what I could do to revive my state of being. Those windows definitely are not a style from where I live.

  5. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Now it would like have bast upvc windows and replacement doors from Homebase. Much nicer as it was.



Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...