Monday, July 10, 2017

Who Could Possibly Want To Buy A Boot For Their Car?

This is a series of three photographs I took yesterday at the weekly North Bridge Car Boot Sale in Halifax.. North Bridge is the Victorian iron and stone bridge that was built in 1871 to span the valley of the River Hebble. It is solid and rather proper, doing the job it was created for with a minimum of fuss, rather like some corseted Victorian great-aunt. By comparison the concrete pillars of Burdock Way - which was opened in 1973 - strut their way across the valley like a disco-dancer in platform heels. Each week, within the shadow of these two fine structures, dozens of people set up stalls selling everything that is cheap and occasionally cheerful. And the Victorian aunt looks down on all the activity, scratches her wrought-iron bolts and murmurs "who could possibly want to buy a boot for their car?"


  1. I am surprised that there isn't a road underneath the other two bridges. It looks like a great place for selling off the useful and not so useful. I like your photographic take of the two bridges.

  2. Love the title... :)

  3. If I'm not mistaken, the local parking wardens will give you one for free. (i.e. wheel clamps = parking boot)


Halifax Faces

Towards the end of the 19th century, most towns would have at least one professional photographer's studio. It was a time when ordinary ...