Saturday, February 13, 2021

It's Folly To Be Cold


We took a walk in the park yesterday. The park in question was Shaw Park in Holywell Green, near Halifax (No. 46 in "The Forgotten Parks of Yorkshire", which is a book I have yet to write). It was one of the coldest days of the year, but even the icy blast coming straight down the valley from Siberia by way of Spitsbergen, could not spoil the delights of this curious little park, that, as with so many great little parks, started life as somebody's garden. The house itself - Brooklands which was sadly demolished in 1933 - was built for the mill-owning Shaw family just above their massive Brookroyd Mill (also demolished) which at one time employed 1,200 workers. For entertainment, the Shaws built a variety of castle-like follies in the grounds and these remain to warm the heart - if not the arms and legs - on a cold winters' day.

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