Saturday, February 27, 2021

Nature In Lockdown


We took the dog for a walk yesterday, up the hill from Copley. It's a steep hill and hard work on the knees, but I had to run up there sixty years ago on school cross country runs, so I don't see why my wife and dog should escape the same pleasurable experience. Before facing the hill we took a walk around St Stephen's churchyard - I was looking for more pointing ladies, but that is another story. I couldn't help wondering how they manage with burials now that there is only a footbridge over the river, but I am in no hurry to find out the answer. The graveyard looked almost Autumnal - just as if nature too had been in lockdown. I think the blue ribbon on the tree branch is something to do with thanking essential workers, which would be a nice thought. There again, it might be an abandoned dog waste bag, which would be a nasty thought.

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